Once Halloween weekend is over, I’ll post a photo album of all the pics that were taken. But in the meantime, check out this hottie who was totally working the dance floor at the No. 10 Main party last night:
GREAT party last night. I have to say, however, that I’m terribly disappointed in one of my regular blog readers, the one who came up with the term “Skank-o-ween” last week. She showed up without a costume on. Which does not mean she was naked (which would have been perfectly acceptable) but she was in everyday, normal clothes. Wazzup with that? She liked my Beer Goddess costume and decided to grab my boobs, which I figured gave me permission to grab her boobs in return. I admitted to her that I’m a lesbian Beer Goddess – I like girls. I wanted to munch her carpet but she left before I got the chance.
All right. On to the news for today. Regular reader Julie sent me an e-mail, wanting me to inform everyone that when you vote, your vote on Amendment 1 only counts if you also vote for governor. So make sure not to leave that race blank.
Found a couple of good links reading other people’s blogs… Serrabee pointed me to a good post on Cherry Blossom Special, where blogger EJ lists 10 of the hippest places in Memphis to eat. Good list, and it gave me a couple of new restaurants to check out.
Also on the topic of bloggers and food… Leslie Kelly blogged about a new treat that’s about as Southern as food can get… Fried Coke.
Overseas, Romanians recently voted Stephen III of Moldavia, also known as Stephen the Great, also known as Who The Hell Is He, the greatest Romanian of all time. Gymnast Nadia Comaneci came in 10th in the nationally televised poll. Surprisingly, Henri Coanda, who created the first jet aircraft in 1910, didn’t make the top 10. Coanda is considered a national hero in Romania even though his jet crashed. The international airport in Bucharest is named after him. If I ever travel to Romania I think I’ll take a train or a bus.
The Downtown Memphis location of Zoe’s Kitchen is for sale, if anyone has a dream of owning a restaurant. It’s located at the corner of Main and Monroe, and prides itself on serving healthy, nutritious, and rather expensive lunches. Do the Polish girls still work there? They’re fun. Anyway, here’s a link to a Memphis Business Journal article about Zoe’s looking for new owners.
That’s it for now. I’ll be at the Flying Saucer tonight for their Halloween party. Be sure to cheer for your favorite Beer Goddess in their costume contest!