If you missed The Dempseys Sunday night at Huey’s, you have another chance to see them, at the Flying Saucer tomorrow night. They take the stage at 9:30 and will play until a little after 1. Needless to say, I will be there. I have a possible business meeting tomorrow night, and I’ve told them that the meeting must end by 8:30, unless we meet at the Saucer in which case I can go until 9:30. Business is business, but I ain’t missing the Dempseys!
Maybe we can convince Brad to do The Worm again.
Forgot to mention in my Sunday post… another one of the songs in their “cities, states, counties, towns” medley is “What made Milwaukee famous… made a loser out of me.” As they sang that line I raised my beer glass. Bass player Slick Joe Fick commented, “Well, at least you’re honest, Paul.”
Actually, I was drinking Bud, so I guess it was what made St.Louis famous, rather than Milwaukee, if you want to get technical, that made a loser out of me.
Tied up in meetings with Microsoft all day long… so I get to sit through presentations on SharePoint Services and SQL Server. But the good news is, they’re buying us pizza for lunch!
I have a new website 99% ready to go, and I hope to finish it this evening after work. Look for an announcement soon. For now I’ll just say that it will be a big deal.
Gotta get back upstairs to the meeting, it’s pizza time and if I get there late it’ll be picked over and I’ll be stuck with veggie pizza (yuk). See ya later…