As you can see, I’ve moved some stuff around on my blog, and added sections for people planning to visit Downtown Memphis, local news, and links I like.
Mikey is going to be slightly annoyed that people now have to scroll to see the Residents for a Safer Downtown Memphis link.
My mother is going to be delighted that I now have a permanent link from my blog to her page.
As I said earlier, I still have a Shopping section to add, but I’m going to hold off on that until tomorrow. I’ve been at the Second Street branch office all afternoon and have been drinking beer and have reached the point where I don’t want to mess with my blog’s template any more today. The good news is, I had a business meeting up here, so someone other than me paid for all the beer I drank up until 4 PM. The Hogs are playing LSU (and winning) on one of the new LCD TVs, and the USA is playing Denmark in soccer on the other. It’s been a good day.
One question I had to answer was, should I place Thaddeus Matthews’ blog under Local News or under Links I Like? On one hand, much of what he writes is opinion, and I agree that his spelling and grammar undermine his credibility. A couple of days ago he reported that someone he’s trying to track down was “having surgery in the hospitable” and I nearly died laughing (he’s since corrected it). On the other hand, he’s doing the investigative journalism that the Commercial Appeal should be doing, but they don’t because they are understaffed, or underfunded, or lazy, or afraid of the people they should be investigating, or buddies with the people they should be investigating, or whatever the problem is, I don’t know. Thad’s uncovering a lot of shit that needs to be brought into the light of day, and I think he’s going to win some kind of journalistic prize for his efforts before all is said and done. For that reason, I consider him a news source. I know a lot of people may disagree, and that’s fine.
Plans for tonight: I have no idea. FreeWorld is playing at the Saucer at 9:30, so that’s one option. For now I need to shut down the laptop and go drink about a gallon of water to rehydrate for this evening. Have a good night, and look for more changes to this blog tomorrow.