Saturday night recap

Now I understand why the Saucer girls say “My feet are killing me” after spending 7 hours in their Beer Goddess uniforms. I got there at 5:15 today and left a little after midnight, spending the entire time walking the floor and occasionally taking orders for drinks from people who actually believed I worked there.

More than any other Halloween costume I’ve ever done, I totally got into character tonight. To put it bluntly, I was a total bitch. I complained about the other girls being jealous of me, the employee meeting at noon tomorrow, the way men only look at my boobs and butt and don’t listen, and various other things. As the evening wore on, I began booty-dancing to the band in the outdoor room, grinding my ass against the pool table. It was quite a sight. Somebody should’ve videotaped it.

The costume contests happened later than we had been told, but they at least happened on the same day they were advertised and there were actual prizes awarded, so it was a tremendous improvement over what the Saucer did last year. There were four contests – Most Original, Most Seductive, Best Overall, and Best Saucer Girl (which this year was for the actual Saucer employees, not me). A Ghostbusters team of 4 people took Most Original, and I can’t remember who won Most Seductive. However, I was quite pleased with the outcomes of the other two contests, which in each case saw two friends of mine versus each other in the final.

The first finalist in Best Overall was the corrupt Catholic priest. Here’s a pic of him and his girlfriend Yoko, which I took Friday night at the Number 10 party:

Funny thing about him is, he really didn’t dress up for Halloween up until this year. He started because he needed a costume so his girlfriend (who had a SMOKIN’ hot costume of her own) wouldn’t have to dress up by herself, and because within the past year he’s started hanging out with us and all of us dress up. So he went out and bought a priest’s robe (which, he told me, was more expensive than people realize) and added the little boy at a strategic location. Not bad at all for a first-time Halloween outfit.

The other finalist in Best Overall, not surprisingly, was Mikey and Skippy, who together dressed up as Raiford’s.

Mikey (left) dressed up as the interior of Raiford’s, with handprints similar to those on the walls, LED lights, a disco ball (which I donated to the project) and speakers playing well-known Raiford’s tunes. Skippy dressed as the exterior of Raiford’s, with “Hollywood Disco” sign, blue carpeted sidewalk and “No Discrimination” mimicking the outer walls. Mikey and Skippy won almost every costume contest Downtown last year with their costumes – a church that had burned and a fire barricade – and had been working on their ’07 costumes for weeks. We expected them to be awesome and we were not disappointed.

There was no way I could pick one over the other, and cheered my ass off for both of them. It was a close competition but the crowd noise was a little bit louder for Raiford’s, and they took the prize, a $200 set of golf clubs and $100 cash. As far as I know neither Skippy nor Mikey golf.

I think my friends were robbed in two other categories. The Ghostbusters costumes were pretty cool, but come on, there’s no way they should have won Most Original over Raiford’s. And I can’t believe Yoko didn’t win Most Seductive… that outfit she had on… DAMN. My friend the priest is a lucky man.

I left the Saucer about midnight, after the last contest was over. The plan was for all of us to meet up at McGuinness and continue partying, but my friends got there ahead of me (I had to run to the bar and pay my tab) and they stopped me and told me it was deader than a doornail. So we considered relocating to EP’s but it was too packed to be any fun. At that point I decided to call it quits. I had been rockin’ for 7 hours, but my feet were starting to hurt, and I could feel myself starting to sag mentally. I had a feeling that if I stayed out I’d turn into Mr. No Fun. So, I decided to quit while I was ahead, and came home for the evening.

Brunch tomorrow at the Majestic at 11, followed by a move to the Saucer around 12:30 so I can whoop Clay’s and Pete’s ass at pool. Again. I’ll once again try to hang on for the entire day and make it to FreeWorld at Blues City at 10:30 PM, but I’m the tiredest I’ve been since BBQ Fest, so I’m not promising I’ll make it.

One more day of Halloween partying left. If you missed the Beer Goddess this weekend, she’ll be back at the Saucer on the 31st in the early evening, and then she’ll move on to Big Foot and possibly EP’s. I had said that this year was it for the Beer Goddess persona, but honestly, I had so much fun tonight that I may bring her back for a fourth year in 2008.

One more post to do, then off to bed.