Not much to report today, so this one won’t be terribly interesting.
I did bum patrols for much of the afternoon yesterday, but stopped in the Red Rooster to have a beer with the gang. Everyone really seems to like that place and I have a feeling it will turn into a regular hangout. I looked at the menu, and thought to myself, wow, the nachos are a little expensive. But then someone ordered them and Mount Nachos came out! Enough for two people to split unless you’re really hungry. Man those things looked good. I’ll have to try them myself to verify, but the Rooster may have a shot at taking my personal award for Best Nachos Downtown away from Huey’s.
Got to the Saucer about 5:30, and although the place was ridiculously packed, I managed to get a seat at one of the tables where I had a perfect view of the HDTV next to the dart boards. Most of the gang met up between 6 and 6:30 and everyone had a great time, although some of us weren’t too happy with Frank and the Nuh-Uh Girl for wearing Volunteer orange. The Tigers lost, but does it really matter? We’re still a lock for a #1 seed in the NCAA Tournament, as long as we don’t lose any of our joke-of-a-conference games for the remainder of the season.
Speaking of dart boards… the Saucer is getting two new dart boards today. They’ve finally taken our advice and stopped buying flimsy crap boards that wear out quickly. This time they bought $95 dart boards that are guaranteed to last for a year. Interest in darts seems to be picking up, and it will be good to have some quality boards to play on.
Time for the beer report.
Previous total: $291.50
Beers 58, 59, and 60 (but 54, 56, and 57 according to the Saucer):
Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA $7.00
Tommy Knocker Butthead $5.00
North Coast Brother Thelonious Belgian Style Ale $14.00
Tip: $26.00 x ~ 30% = $9.00
Total $35.00
Grand total: $326.50
Well, I guess they can’t all be 10-dollar nights. That Brother Thelonious beer was a monster – 25.4 ounces, 9.4% alcohol. It kept me occupied for three-fourths of the game.
Today is week 2 for brunch at the Majestic, followed by the weekly installment of Paul Whoops Pete’s Ass at Pool.
It’s also Beer Pong Sunday at Hoop’s Bar. Here’s a pic I took Friday night of the beer pong table:
Time to get it started. Have a good Sunday everyone.