Here are the pics from TubeTopalooza, the event held on my rooftop last night to celebrate the end of Tube Top Month in my blog.
The hosts. Me (center) with my BFF Suzy and TubeTopalooza visionary Kacy. I couldn’t have done it without these two.
Nor could I have done it without Air Traffic Mike, who supplied Rotel dip, chicken wings, shrimp skewers, gazpacho, and jamblaya. Thanks Mike for taking the party to the next level… I’m sure guests were expecting maybe a bag of Doritos for food and were pleasantly surprised.
Stephanie (center): “Maybe if I look as much like a bunny rabbit as possible, I’ll get selected as BFF of the Month of July.” I guess the girl on the right didn’t get the memo about the dress code.
More tube tops
Complete photo album available here. Thanks to all who helped make this event a success.
Reminder: June isn’t over yet! Keep wearing those tube tops!