Good how-to link I found yesterday – How to deal with a mooching friend. It doesn’t take a genius-level IQ to know when someone is trying to freeload off you. This article gives useful tips to help you curb their mooching behavior.
Yay! I scheduled another meeting at the Second Street Branch Office for this afternoon. I like working from the branch office. Hmmm the Weather Channel says it’s going to 70 today. Is it unprofessional to wear shorts to a business meeting?
Got a question for everyone… we’ve all been so busy making Halloween plans, that it’s been easy to lose sight of the fact that Election Day is only 5 days away. Question for restaurant/bar owners and managers reading this – who will be showing the election returns on their TVs, and will you have sound on? Let me know and I’ll post a list of places where you can watch returns.
Getting fired up for Big Foot Lodge’s Halloween party tonight at 9. It looks like I may have to work before the party… one of the girls at the Saucer asked if I could pick up her shift, so I may have to go in and work for about an hour, hour and a half. Management has promised me I’ll be off by 9 so I can go to Big Foot. I’m grateful for the chance to make some money, but the thing is, in this economy I’m really going to have to work it to get good tips. I won’t be able to just sit on my ass and run my mouth all night, like Meghan and Brittney did before Meghan got hired by Big Foot and Brittney got moved behind the bar.
It’s trivia night at Jillian’s with $2 Bud and Bud Light and $3 grape, cherry and Jager bombs. I probably won’t make it this week, but maybe some Rapscallions will show up and win some more money and continue our perfect winning streak.
All right, time to get a couple of hours work done before I go to my meeting. Which means, time to get 10 minutes of work done, and spend the rest of the time laughing at the photo I found on one of my favorite websites last night.