I went to the Rent Party fundraiser at Kris K’s Warehouse last night after Trolley Tour. Here are a few pics.

DJs Joe and Jay

Rockin’ Santa

Food by the Majestic Grille. Last night was the first time I’ve tried their chili. Outstanding! I believe they have it every Wednesday.

Rudolph the red-nosed… horse?

The silent auction

The Nuh-Uh Girl, holding a plate of food, tries to dodge the camera.

… but persistence pays off. Here’s a pic of the Nuh-Uh Girl eating.

Neon Kris
I am going to take the Blues Foundation to task for one little thing. Let me quote their Facebook listing for the event:
“The Blues Foundation will hold our annual fund raiser November 27, 2009 at The Warehouse, 36 E GE Patterson, Memphis, TN. The “Rent Party” will begin at 8:00 pm with food from The Majestic Grille and Memphis’ best beer from Ghost River Brewery.
Jay and Joe will spin your favorite Blues music; we will have great Silent Auction and Blues Foundation merchandise. Admission is only $10 at the door.”
Reading that listing, would you assume that food and beer are covered in the price of admission? Especially if you’ve been to Warehouse parties in the past, where that is usually the case. As it turned out, the food was covered with admission price, but you had to pay for beer. The prices were very reasonable – $5 for 3 tickets for pints of Ghost River beers, no doubt a bargain. However, due to text messaging word got around that they were charging for beer, and I know for a fact that 5 to 10 of my friends who were planning to attend were turned off and did not come. The point is, if there’s a cash bar you need to be sure and specify that in ads, event listings online, etc.
Again, just a minor gripe, and at the end of the day I’m thrilled with the job both the Blues Foundation and Kris do to support great music in Memphis.
After leaving the party, I had a beer at Calhoun’s, then headed north. As I got to my usual weekend hangout locations though, I thought, “You know, I’ve had ENOUGH of hanging out at bars and drinking.” At least for one night. So I came home and went to bed at 10:30. As a result, I was up and feeling great at 8 AM.
Played some more poker yesterday. I moved up to the $13 buy-in 6max turbo Sit’n’Go tournaments, and finished the day up $19. I also discovered that there are freeroll tournaments I can buy into on PokerStars with the frequent player points (FPPs) I earn for playing. These freeroll tourneys pay out real money to the winners. So I entered two of them, and man, the players were horrible – they were dropping like flies. There were 4000 entrants, and 1000 had already busted out by the end of the first blind level. I’m going to enter some more today and try a new strategy – fold every hand through the first four blind levels, unless I get a monster like KK or AA. By that time so many players will have likely dropped out that I’ll have made it past the bubble and into the money. Then I can start playing aggressive poker and attempt to come in first. First and second place in these freerolls pay north of $100 each.
Attn pro wrestling fans: Here’s a good blog to read: The World According to Dutch. It’s by Dutch Mantel, who wrestled in Memphis for years, and until recently booked TNA Wrestling. He’s a hell of a storyteller.
Snuggie Pub Crawl is tonight… undecided if I’ll do it. The Snuggie I ordered never came in the mail, so I’d have to purchase one at Walgreens. Plus I haven’t purchased my ticket to the crawl, and the Arkansas-LSU game is on tonight at 6 PM on ESPN, and I may well just go to a bar (Saucer probably, unless Fire Sale is bad) to watch it.
Several people pointed out that my post about viewing the shuttle yesterday was inaccurate, as the shuttle had already landed. As I told Internet legend The Mexican Wolf, when I start getting paid full-time to write this blog, I’ll start fact-checking.
That’s all for now… time to log on to PokerStars and attempt to build my bankroll.