It’s that time of year again! TUBE TOP MONTH HAS ARRIVED!
Every year for the entire month of June, I use this blog to increase awareness of the greatest women’s fashion statement ever, the tube top. Posts will cover a variety of topics as usual, but every post will contain a pic of a tube top, or a link to a pic of a tube top, or a mention of tube tops in some fashion, regardless of how irrelevant tube tops are to the subject matter. There will also be educational tube top posts throughout the month.
I’ve been doing this every June since 2005, and it seems to be working. When I go out in Downtown Memphis, I see many more tube tops than I did in 2005. In 2008, popular support for Tube Top Month got so large that we ended the month with a massive party, TubeTopalooza, on my building’s rooftop.
“But wait,” you may be asking, “it’s not June yet.” True. However, a 3-day Memorial Day party weekend right before June seemed like a perfect reason to start early! I moved the start back to today at 5 PM, so Tube Top Month will last 33 days and 7 hours this year. If you’re going out to South Main Trolley Night, Zoo Brew, Sunset Symphony, or any of the many fun events this weekend, ladies, let’s see those tube tops!
Want to be on the blog? Just come find me. I have my camera with me all the time, and I’ll be happy to snap a pic of you in a tube top for inclusion in a future post. You can be a tube top star!
Happy Tube Top Month everybody!