Tube Top Month was supposed to come to an end tonight. I took a survey and the best tube top of the month was deemed to be
However… this time around we have Tube Top Month Extended. It’s overtime. It’s extra time. It’s sudden death and you are still in the running. Until 11:59 PM Monday, July 5, you have the opportunity to knock Lauren off her perch. Will you step up?
(Edit: Thanks to Moody who e-mailed that the Netherlands-Brazil game is Friday. The e-mail from Bardog said “Saturday 7/2.”)
If you’re looking for a place to watch the World Cup match this Saturday at 9, Bardog Tavern has gotcha covered. They’ll be open at 8, with $3 Guinness during all games, 3 HDTVs, sound on. Remember, even though it will be July 3 it will still be Tube Top Month Extended, so wear a tube top and jump up and down a lot when your favorite team scores.
In other news, in case you missed it: Woot will be acquired by Amazon but will continue to operate as an independent division.
First of all, huge congratulations to the city and Bass Pro Shops for getting a deal done for the Pyramid. I admit I wasn’t always a supporter of the project, but after hearing a presentation from outgoing CCC president Jeff Sanford in 2009, I was won over. It will bring 1,000 jobs to Downtown Memphis and will transform the nearby Pinch/Uptown neighborhood. There are still city, county and state hurdles to be cleared, but it looks like this will finally move forward!
Canadian celebrity recording artist Val Halla, from Regina, Sasketchewan, will perform at Kooky Canuck tomorrow night, July 1, as they celebrate Canada Day. $2.50 34 oz. Labatt Blue draft, $2.50 Black Velvet shots. The Montreal steamie will be back, as well as a special on the Canadian Trio consisting of a Canadian Burger, Poutine, and Nainamo Bar. “Dress up in Canadian attire,” says their event listing on Facebook. I traveled to Montreal several years ago in August, and saw plenty of women in tube tops, so I think that must be what they mean by “Canadian attire.”
Lansky at the Peabody has several new Robert Graham MLB shirts. They have a shirt with autographs from the 2009 World Series champions stitched in, and they have themed shirts and cufflinks for the Cubs, Cardinals, and Yankees.
The Commercial Appeal has reported that Derrick Linwood, 51, was arrested Monday for allegedly peddling flowers near Beale Street. He was standing in a valet lane at Second and Beale (I guess that would be Itta Bena’s valet lane) and according to the police report, he was forcing people to take flowers. He was charged with disorderly conduct, obstructing a highway or passageway, and public intoxication.
“Flower man” is a common scam among the panhandlers in the spring and summer. Some will hit dumpsters as florists empty their stock for the day. Others will hit church dumpsters to dive for funeral arrangement flowers. Most pick flowers out of public beds in the Downtown area. They will then walk the streets, targeting couples especially, aggressively pressuring males to buy a “flower for the lady.” Often this will lead to a “donation,” more out of fear for safety than because the flowers are actually worth any money.
Mr. Linwood, according to the article, has been arrested 88 times since 1982. Maybe “three strikes” is a bit too much for these minor quality-of-life violations, but it seems like there at least ought to be a “ten strikes” rule.
Off to work… will be out somewhere tonight. Remember, today is NOT the last day of Tube Top Month; it has been extended to July 5. So let’s see those tube tops this holiday weekend!
The Flying Saucer has announced that on Sunday, July 4, they will unveil new beers from 2 PM until 12 AM. Hardly anyone has to work the next day, so come on down. They will be giving away prizes, and the window seats outside will have a good view of the Handy Park fireworks. Also, “Samual Adams” will be on Fire Sale.
Suggestion to management: Have all the staff wear American flag tube tops for the day (and please give Jim the day off, because no one wants to see that). If you do that I will be there for sure.
UPDATE: Lucy (see previous puppy post) has been adopted.
Abita, which is based in Louisiana, has released a Save Our Shore beer in response to the situation in the Gulf of Mexico. Rather ironic, since Abita’s beer Turbo Dog tastes like an oil spill. No word on when/if Save Our Shore will be available in Memphis.
Good Twitter account to follow: @mfdalert. It’s the Memphis Fire Department. I learned of a church fire in Uptown an hour before it hit the news this morning, thanks to their presence on Twitter.
You can see a preview of South of Beale’s new summer menu here on MarksMenus.
If you run with the Salty Dogs group that meets at Bardog 7 PM Mondays/7 AM Wednesdays, or if you’ve thought about running with them, be sure to join their group on Facebook. Just search for “Salty Dogs” under Groups.
The Redbirds are having a special Independence Day deal July 3rd. For $37 you get a club level ticket and a 2-hour all-you-can-eat buffet. Buffet includes hot dogs, Rendezvous pork and chicken, Rendezvous BBQ nachos, fried chicken, baked beans, slaw, potato salad, potato chips, watermelon, cookies and soft drinks. You’ll have access to air conditioning in the club level, but still, I suggest tube tops as the attire for ladies. Fireworks after the game.
All-you-can-eat buffet? Well, I guess the Nuh-Uh Girl will be hinting around that she wants to go see the Redbirds Saturday.
The Madison Hotel is hosting a cookout on the Fourth. Elmo & the Shades will perform on the rooftop. Food will be Neola Farms burgers, Ashley Farms chicken sandwiches, hot dogs, and side items featuring local meats, cheeses, and produce wherever possible. $30 per person, reception style with limited seating. Call 901-333-1224 to make reservations.
Trivia at Saucer with Pete the Trivia Guy tonight at 7. I’ll be there.
I’ve been asked to help find a home for a stray puppy who is being fostered after showing up on someone’s door. Her name is Lucy. Here’s a description: “Lucy is a 6-week old, 4.5 lb, Lab/Shepherd/other mix, a real Heinz 57 according to the vet. She’s playful when it’s playtime and loves her tug, but is also already crate trained! She loves to go back in her crate and hardly makes a peep. She’s sweet to nap with and loves to romp in the grass. Seems like she’d make a great puppy for just about anyone. She has been dewormed and treated for fleas and the vet says she looks healthy. Here is a link to the youtube video of her playing: If interested, please email Jen at”
In other news: Don’t forget that Tube Top Month has been extended through July 5 to include the Independence Day weekend. So let’s see those tube tops for the Fourth!
Several more news items, so probably back at lunchtime with more.
I hit the Saucer after work for a well-deserved beer. One of the regulars had brought a couple of pans of brownies, which resulted in a feeding frenzy.
In particular note Kelly at the right, there, with her fingers in her mouth. And if you look closely, Lil’ Kim.
Later Lauren came in, wearing a tube top dress.
Yeah I’m just gonna stare at my most recently uploaded pic for a while. Y’all have a good night.
If you live in Memphis, you know that there are a large number of “ghetto rides” on the streets here. Those lime-colored Crown Vics and Roadmasters with the 26″ wheels and the decals bragging about the size of their wheels, spinner rims, and other ghettofabulous accessories. Well, now there’s a place where you can upload and share photos of these cars – get on Facebook and “Like” Ghetto Rides of Memphis. They ask that you edit out license plate info before uploading.
MIFA Store just received a huge donation of brand new, brand name shoes all priced at $10 and under. New Balance, Saucony, Reebok, Born, Sofft, Clarks, etc. 910 Vance M-F 7:30am to 4pm. This is a great chance to get some new sneakers while supporting a local charity. Goodwill and Salvation Army are great too, but the difference is, when you shop at the MIFA Store, every dollar spent goes right back into Memphis, helping Memphians through the huge variety of services MIFA offers.
I received a comment about the house on Jackson I photographed the other day… one of my readers thinks it may have been a synagogue at some point. He noted that the architecture looks like a synagogue, and if you look at the top of the building in the middle there appears to be a worn-out Star of David.
One of my reader sent a link to photos of the sexiest women of Romania and I thought I’d share the link. Notice that the first photo contains a tube top bikini.
That’s all for now… cannot wait to get to Pint Nite tonight.
I had previously promised to watch the USA vs. Ghana soccer game at Calhoun’s, if bartender Lauren would wear a tube top. So I hopped on a trolley and got there at 12:30, right as they opened. There were already a few people at the bar, including Mikey and John D. As I grabbed a seat next to John D, I noticed that one person was missing – Lauren. “She’s on her way,” the regulars told me. I ordered a PBR.
25 minutes later, as I finished up my PBR, she still wasn’t there. I checked her Facebook page and read that she wasn’t feeling well. I was starting to suspect that the regulars knew she wasn’t coming in and were feeding me the “she’s on her way” line to keep me there. I tabbed out and walked north to the Saucer.
Right after I ordered my first beer, I got a text from Mikey. “Lauren’s here in a new red tube top and she’s mad that you aren’t here. She bought it and wore it just for you.”
“Send photo,” was my response. A couple of minutes later, I received photos of Lauren in a tube top. She really was there! The match was about to start, and a storm was threatening. I texted back that I’d come there at halftime.
Saucer was not bad. They had the sound on. The bar was full, but it wasn’t packed to the point where there were long lines for the restroom or people constantly bumping me. Management realized the place would be busy due to the game, and put three bartenders behind the bar instead of just one as they usually do on Saturday afternoon.
Halftime came, and I tabbed out and headed south. As I walked south on Second, I saw a “stairway to nowhere” at Second and Vance.
Stairway to nowhere. This looks like something MATA would build.
I got to Calhoun’s, and sure enough, there was Lauren, in a red tube top.
I watched the second half, and the extra period that resulted when regulation ended in a 1-1 tie. Ghana won in the extra period. It’s a shame we’re eliminated, but Ghana played very well and deserved to advance.
After the game, I was hungry. I’d been wanting to try Ferraro’s, the new pizza place in the Pinch, so I rode a trolley up there. As I hopped off the trolley, my friends Suzy, Tammy and Lynn pulled up. They were there to try the place too, so we grabbed a table outside. I got the stromboli.
Stromboli @ Ferraro's
Stromboli was very good and I highly recommend it – it’s their signature item. PBR on tap for $2.50 is a good thing too. I bet before long, they have a good bar business in the evenings.
One suggestion I have for them, though, is to put a server on the floor to take orders. You had to go to the bar to order everything. When I went to get a second PBR I had to wait in line behind a guy who was taking 47.8 minutes to decide what he wanted on his pizza. Empty PBR glass = not good. That’s a minor issue, though. Overall I very much enjoyed the place, and will be back for sure. Here are a couple of pics of the outside of the building.
The front of the buildingThe side of the building
As we were eating, we noticed a cool-looking house across the street on Jackson, next door to Westy’s. We were trying to figure out what’s up with the place – does anyone still live there?
House on Jackson, across from Ferraro's.
After that, I rode back to Lynn’s condo and we hung out on her patio. She lives at the River Row condos at 107 S. Front. They have a really cool patio/courtyard area, which I’d seen many times from the rooftop of Barton Flats but I’d never actually been there. Had a good time hanging out, although it’s definitely mosquito season. Time to buy some Off.
From there I went next door to Barton Flats, where my friends were on the roof. I drank a beer and created a new Foursquare addict, then my friend Lee and I made a stop at the Saucer. By then I’d been out for 13 hours straight, so I decided to call it a night.
Think I may take the netbook to the Saucer today so I can play a little poker online. I had a good time playing in a Razz tournament yesterday. Today I think I’ll try my hand at a Razz cash game.