South Main Trolley Night is tomorrow

Tomorrow night, Friday July 30, is the monthly Trolley Night on South Main beginning at 6 PM. This one will be an Elvis Presley Trolley Night. They sent me a press release and these are some of the high points:

– Hot rods and barbershop quartets will line the streets

– Dress up your favorite Elvis’ Leading Lady for a chance to win prizes at 6 PM

– Elvis tribute concert by Cody Slaughter after the contest

– The film “Elvis, That’s the Way It Is,” sponsored by Woodard Properties to be shown at 9. I’ve been told that if you want to bring blankets to sit on, Harry’s Detour will hold them while you walk around the shops and galleries. Film will be shown in the open field next to Harry’s.

– Trolley Night will be sponsoring the Alzheimer’s Foundation of Memphis this month.

Trolley Night is always a good time, so come on down!