We got killed tonight at trivia. It was so bad I didn’t even add up our final score. Congrats to the teams that beat us, and there were a lot of them.
However, I do want to say something to the top three winning teams. The servers work just as hard whether you are paying with cash, or cashing in gift certificate winnings, or a combination of both. If you are not tipping 15% minimum on the total before gift certificates are deducted, to put it bluntly, you’re a bunch of cheap-asses.
Different teams have different strategies for cashing in. My team pools its gift certificates and cashes them in once every three months. When we cash in, we collect tips for whomever is serving us. If she doesn’t get at least 20% I raise holy hell.
Suggestion: Appoint one person on your team to collect tips, to make sure that your server is taken care of. They’ll appreciate it, and so will you.