Late update today. I woke up this morning and felt a cold coming on. I NyQuil-bombed myself and went back to bed and have been asleep and off social media all day. I learned the NyQuil bomb/sleep trick about five years ago. I’ve learned that if it is indeed a cold, that will nip it in the bud. If it’s the flu, it doesn’t matter what I do, I’m going to get sick but I might as well be in bed knocked out anyway. This must have been a cold because when I got out of bed around 4:30, I had no fever and felt a little better.
I’ll pass on what news I do have. I’ve been asked to mention the Green Beetle’s plans for New Year’s Eve tomorrow night. If you’re looking for last minute plans, prepaid $25 will get you music from Justin Moore from Ingram Hill, some appetizers, some kegs, some wine, some fun, and a champagne toast at midnight. Contact Adam at for additional details.
If you plan to go see the Harlem Globetrotters Saturday, January 11 but haven’t bought your tickets yet, there’s a Groupon that will save you some money. You can get $84.22 value tickets for $50.
MATA will provide express service from two Downtown hotels to the Liberty Bowl game tomorrow. The bus will pick you up at the Sheraton or the Peabody tomorrow at 1:30 and take you to the game which has a start time at 3 PM. Fare is $8 round-trip, $4 one way.
FedExForum posted a list of dining options today, listing what food is available in all its restaurants and where they are located in the arena. This might be a good thing to bookmark in your smartphone’s web browser for the next time you go to a Grizzlies game.
Since tomorrow is Amateur Night, er, I mean New Year’s Eve, the Blind Bear will not be holding its regular Tuesday night poker tournament. For the second week in a row, Jamie took to social media to determine if there would be interest in a Wednesday night game. There was sufficient interest, and a lot of people requested a 6:30 start time (which is the normal start time for Sunday night, rather than 8 PM as is the case on Tuesday). So it looks like the game is on for New Year’s Day.
Speaking of poker, I guess I should mention that I played in the Blind Bear’s Sunday night game last night, and… WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER! Well, actually a $50 gift card, but I suppose I could by a chicken dinner on the card. My heads-up opponent was none other than the Nuh-Uh Girl, who after eating our buddy Dennis’s fries accumulated a large stack and made it to the final two. I was a bit worried, because she’s one of the better poker players, but I managed to hit some cards and get the win. Between that and my second-place finish last Tuesday, I’ve rung up some serious points toward the final table in the last 7 days.
You know what I just realized? Pretty much all the female poker players who play regularly are among the better players. Every time I see somebody make a play and I think, “Wow, that was unbelievably bad,” it’s almost always a guy (and sometimes it’s me, although I try not to do that).
All right. I have no food in the house, so I guess I’m going to have to go somewhere and eat. I should be back at the regular time tomorrow with a pre-Amateur Night post.