Sat update: East Memphis in Mud, emergency landing due to dog pooping, Redbirds games on St. Louis radio, Gandhi movie, Memphis in Gay

I almost went to Italian Fest yesterday. I had an offer to split a cab, and at least one booth I was guaranteed to get into and several others I probably could as well. I met my friends at the Silly Goose after work. I kind of wanted to go. A lot of my friends talk about how much fun they have at that festival, and believe it or not I’m not opposed to the idea of going to East Memphis if there’s something that interests me out there. The rain situation looked iffy, though. Two rounds of rain had already moved through, and I had heard that Marquette Park gets even more muddy than Tom Lee Park. It was clearing out at the time but a look at radar showed a huge cell over Tupelo and Oxford. “That bad boy is probably going to hit Memphis in about two and a half hours,” I told my friends.

Two things were the deciding factors. My friends got texted a photo of the ground outside the booth we had been invited to. There were at least three inches of mud. Then there was another text. “If you cab down here, don’t get dropped off at the gate. Have the cab drop you off at Target to buy rain boots.” Well that did it. There would be no Italian Fest for me. I hated to miss wet tube tops but I just could not deal with the mud. I had a relaxing evening with a few BBQ teammates at the Blind Bear then called it a night.

In the news: A flight from Los Angeles to Boston had to make an emergency landing in Kansas City because of a large dog pooping in the aisle. The dog pooped as many as three times and the crew on the plane ran out of paper towels to clean it up. Passengers nearby were getting physically ill because of the smell.

If any of my readers live in the St. Louis area, 18 Redbirds games will be broadcast on KTRS 550 AM this season. Here’s a list of the games.

The Belz Museum of Judaic and Asian Art is showing the movie Gandhi today at 12:30. Admission to the museum is included in the price of the movie. The museum is inside Pembroke Square on the Main Street Mall.

There’s a “Memphis in Gay” burlesque and drag show hosted by Julie Wheeler tonight at 8 at Earnestine & Hazel’s.

One of my neighbors in my apartment building reported that a bachelorette party fought and puked outside Paula & Raiford’s last night. See, this is the kind of free entertainment you just don’t get if you live in a cookie-cutter neighborhood in Collierville or Southaven.

It looks like the joint BBQ team takeover of Brewery Untapped is set for tomorrow. I got a text last night that nearly all of Squeal Street will be there, and quite a few of the Moody Ques will be as well. If you’re on or are a friend of either team, come on down.

Off to Panda’s bar at Bardog to start the day. Rest of the day is unplanned after that, although I don’t see Italian Fest happening for me today.