Very cool news came out this afternoon: The Grizzlies want to turn Tom Lee Park into a pop-up fitness park. The organization would like to see more done with the park during the 10 months of the year it’s not in use, They want to put a number of pop-up fitness stations in the park to help make Memphis more healthy.
Speaking of Tom Lee Park, if you’re on Twitter the @bealestlanding parody account is a good one to follow. If you like @midtownkrogers you’ll probably like @bealestlanding.
The Daily News reported that the Blue Plate Cafe has re-opened following a fire several weeks ago. Not all the paintings are back on the walls yet, but the restaurant is open.
Here’s a link to the latest Bark & Herald newsletter from Bardog Tavern with complete details of the Sunday, August 17 alley party.
Michael Buble is in concert tomorrow evening at the FedExForum. Except heavy traffic in the Downtown core. Allow extra time to get where you need to go and expect to pay an upcharge for parking in the area.
PROGRAMMING NOTE: I am taking vacation Thursday and Friday of this week. There will still be posts, but they will not necessarily happen at the times you expect to see them on weekdays. I may also break information into multiple posts the way I used to do it before I had to cram everything into a lunch break.
That’s it for now. Home from work and on my way out for beer.