Monday is certainly living up to its reputation. After a fine weekend Downtown, I walked out to the parking garage this morning to find my left front tire almost flat. I had put air in the tire Friday and had suspected it may have had a leak. I was right. The tire still had enough air in it for me to get the car to Firestone at 1055 Madison, right before I-240. They were fast! I was in and out in thirty minutes. They open at 6:30 on weekdays, so if I had known the tire was flat I could have got in there and got it fixed and made it to work on time. I would recommend them for sure.
Saturday was a better day. I was sitting at the bar at the Blind Bear mid-afternoon, and not one, not two, but three people told me they moved Downtown because of my blog. I love hearing that. It means that my blog has served its purpose and has made people aware of what a fun neighborhood I live in. You know, sometime I’d like to sit down and interview people who moved Downtown because of this blog – figure out who they are, what they do, and what specifically I said in this blog that influenced their decision. If anyone would be interested shoot me an email. paul@paulryburn,com
Pretty cool event happening at Kudzu’s tonight: Paint Nite. Here’s the description from the website: “Join Kudzu’s in their 2nd Paint Nite Event! Experience what drinking creatively is all about. Grab a drink. Grab a brush and get paint wasted we us! Paint Nite provides all materials. We take you step-by-step on how to create your very own masterpiece.This is not your average ‘Night-Out’;. Paint Nite is the New Night Out! Don’t be the one hearing about it, be the talking about it.” For those who have never been to Kudzu’s before, it’s on Monroe Avenue a couple of blocks east of the ballpark.
As of this morning 295 more pre-orders were needed to make the Memphis Grizzlies license plate a reality.
Wrestling fans: The legendary announcing team of Lance Russell and Dave Brown will reunite for the September 18 Memphis Wildfire Wrestling show at Minglewood Hall.
For my fellow Arkansas Razorback fans: Here’s a great article about head football coach Bret Bielema and the challenges he faces given the history of Arkansas football the past 10 years.
Speaking of Arkansas: Quarterback Brandon Allen’s truck was set on fire early this morning and arson is suspected.
That’s it for now. I’ll be out at Bardog for happy hour with Melissa after work.