I want to pass on a recommendation from a buddy of mine. He has an appointment next week for which he wants to look super sharp, and he needed to get a pair of pants altered and his suit and a couple of shirts pressed. After calling around a bit, he went to Pyramid Cleaners & Tailor Shop near Front and A.W. Willis (Mud Island bridge). He said they could not have been nicer, and they were quick, they do good work, and they were inexpensive. He asked if he could come back and bring some jeans in to be altered. They said they would have them for him the next day, and they have the thread that matches the jeans’ original hemming. Sounds like a good place if you need cleaning or alterations done.
I called my company’s inclement weather hotline this morning and was told that the office is closed. SNOW DAY! Bardog has $2 Fireball when it’s snowing. I sure will miss being in a cubicle today! The temperature was supposed to hover around 32-33 all day but it got colder than expected and WeatherBug is reporting 27 Downtown. I like it!
Gould’s at Main and Union is either open, or close to it. Walking down the Main Street Mall last night, I saw a hair stylist washing someone’s hair. Could have been another employee I guess but the place sure looked open. Nice to have that corner occupied.
If you’re a fan of the Memphis prints Reel2Real Photography sells but can’t get to South Main, you now have an option in the core. Life is Good is now selling R2R’s prints.
Checking Twitter, I see that Felicia Suzanne’s will be closed for lunch but will try to open for dinner. Out in The Edge, Trolley Stop Market is open. The Orpheum’s box office and administrative offices are closed. The National Civil Rights Museum is closed. McEwen’s is open for lunch and dinner. Bluff City Coffee is open. Green Beetle opens at 11.
Here’s a list of 10 of the cheapest countries to travel to. I especially recommend number 9, ROMANIA!!! The girls are really hot, you can get a hostel for $8-12 or a hotel room for $40, the girls are really hot, small meals run about $5, the girls are really hot, beers around two bucks each, the girls are really hot, and you can catch a city bus or train for $1. Also, the girls in Romania are really hot.
I don’t normally blog about things happening in Olive Branch, on account of Olive Branch kinda sucks. However, this time I am making an exception. The grand opening of Painting with a Twist is a week from tomorrow, Saturday, January 30 from 4 to 6 at 5338 Goodman Suite 107. Meet the staff, tour the studio, and complimentary refreshments will be given away. It’s a little bit of paint, a little bit of wine, and a whole lot of fun. Those of you who hang out at the Blind Bear may have noticed the fabulous chalkboard designs announcing the day’s happenings. Those were done by my friend Mandy who is one of the instructors at Painting with a Twist.
Bill Maher will be at the Orpheum this Saturday. Tickets $47.50-$102. Show time is 8 PM.
The Daily News reports that the Dermon Building at Third and Court will be turned into a boutique hotel.
Tickets are officially on sale for the International Blues Challenge finals, Saturday, January 30 at the Orpheum at noon. Get tickets here.
@MemphisJobs has tweeted several Chef Shuttle jobs recently, if you are interested in being a delivery driver.
Time to go check out weather conditions and set up shop at the Monroe Avenue Branch Office. Possibly back later today with more news.