Uh oh, looks like I’m going to face some stiff competition at BBQ Fest this year. Today Show weatherman Al Roker is leading a shoulder team at Memphis in May. Roker’s Smokers is his team, and he is said to be very serious about it, with an intention of winning Grand Champion. Roker is a known BBQ lover and has even written a book on the subject. Al, I know you will be busy in the kitchen, but if you have a chance to get down to S-319 The Moody Ques for a minute, my team would love to meet you and I bet my cooks Frank and Erik would love to talk BBQ with you.
Cruisin’ Heavy headlines the Peabody rooftop party tomorrow night. $10 cover gets you live entertainment as well as a buffet of New Orleans red beans and rice and Andouille sausage. Pineapple margaritas are the margarita special this week, and the drink special is Firefly peach sangria. If you’re a VIP ($150 for a VIP season pass, sold at the door) you get a second buffet of shrimp Creole, chicken and Andouille jambalaya, and mini crab cakes. VIPs also get a tasting of Wiseacre Neon Brown from 5 to 6. Doors open at 6, band at 7.
Dawn Vinson of Daydreaming on Paper will present a workshop at South Main Book Juggler at 548 S. Main from 1 to 2:30 PM Saturday, May 7. For $10 participants will make a soft-cover, single-signature notebook and will get ideas on ways to use it. There will be hands-on instruction, journal exercises, and a handout for future reference. This class is suitable for beginners. I don’t know Dawn personally but I recommend this class. Journaling has helped me uncover secondary facts about my life that might have stayed below the surface had I not had a conversation with myself.
Memphis FootGolf Fest will happen Sunday, May 22 out in Cordova. Check it out if you are a fan of playing golf, but with a soccer ball.
Park(ing) Day Memphis happens tomorrow, April 28, from 12 to 6:30 PM. The concept re-imagines public spaces, with parallel parking spaces on the street turned into miniature pop-up parks. The event will happen in front of the Halloran Centre on Main.
USA Today has a good article on Paxton Lynch and what life is like with his friends away from football.
High Cotton Brewery has announced that the 5th and 10th customers today will get a free pint, with the 15th receiving a free trucker hat. Their taproom opens at 4.
Not going to Music Fest Friday night but want a patio view of people going by? I’ve always found the Silly Goose patio to be excellent for that during happy hour. If you’ve never seen the people who come in town for Music Fest, it is a freak show and a half and the Goose is a great place to watch. Saturday and Sunday late morning to mid-afternoon, Beale Street is ideal for people watching.
Felicia Suzanne’s hosts communal cooking classes. Contact cord@feliciasuzanne.com if interested.
That’s it for now… time to run to Target and buy a pair of earplugs in case anyone hovers behind my group and prattles on endlessly about their cat this evening. I have a Moody Ques board meeting at 7, so I suspect I will have information to put out to the team at some point tomorrow.