Yesterday evening I was ready to take off after work and go to happy hour, but wouldn’t you know it, storms popped up right over 55 North/240 North, and just sat there. My co-worker turned me on to a really cool site which shows lightning strikes in real time, and even shows the sound waves coming off the strikes, No kidding, I would hear thunder every time the map showed a sound wave reaching eastern Horn Lake where I work. Bookmark it and check it out next time it storms.
Pyramid Wine & Spirits in Uptown is having a wine tasting this evening from 5 to 8 PM. Sample wines in store for free, and there will be weekly specials if you want to take a bottle home.
South Main Book Juggler is having a signing tonight for How to Look Happy. Best-selling author Stacey Wiedower signs her story about finding love in the social media age.
Paulette’s is having a wine dinner Tuesday, September 6. Here’s the menu.
Davis Coen provides this week’s live music at The Dirty Crow Inn Saturday at 9. Mark the calendar: Next Saturday, September 3, Eric Hughes will play the Crow.
Downtown agency RedRover is hiring. They seek a Director of Business Development, experienced graphic designer, and experienced account manager/marketing strategist. RedRover is located in the Falls Building at Front and Court. Great place to work. Only company I know of where it’s entirely appropriate to submit a photo of your dog along with your resume.
Green Beetle is hosting Barks for Bucks Sunday, September 4 from 3 to 7 in the afternoon. It’s a benefit for Alive Rescue Memphis and your $6 admission includes your first Yazoo beer. Live music by the Rusty Pieces and lots of prizes for dogs and for people.
Random thing I learned yesterday: There’s a music festival called Project Pabst. It’s in Portland this weekend, Atlanta October 1, and Philadelphia October 8.
Off to work. Possibly a second post later today. If weather permits, I will be out at South Main Trolley Night.