It’s opening market day at MFM Squared! Memphis Farmers Market is adding a second market, to be held on Wednesdays at Court Square 4-7 PM, through the end of September. MFM posted the vendor list for today to Facebook:
“Today’s vendors will be: Bake the Bean Pie, Cosgrove & Lewis Handmade Luxury Soaps, Dettelbach Farms, DFP Originals, Gardens Oy Vey, Girls Inc. of Memphis, Grecian Gourmet, Las Delicias, Lazy Dog Farms, Ly Vu’s Produce, Lydia’s Healthy Edibles, Pontotoc Ridge Blueberry Farm, Richardson Veg Farm, The Produce Tribe, Whitton Farms, Yia Home Grown Produce, My Heavenly Creations, Willow Oaks Farm, Goodness Gracious Cookies, Ripley Produce, Flo’s, Kirk Country Farm, Mama D’s Italian Ice/Food Truck, Delta Sol Farm, Fuel Cafe/Food Truck”
Snowglobe provides the live entertainment tomorrow night, Thursday, June 29, for the weekly Peabody rooftop party. $10 to get in, or free before 7 for ladies and hotel guests. Admission includes a buffet of grilled chicken legs and jalapeno popper dip with Ritz crackers. If you’re in VIP you have a second buffet of BBQ smoked sausage, potato salad, and strawberry mango salsa with cinnamon chips. Drink specials will be a peach margarita and Firefly ginger snap moonshine.
The Memphis Flyer has made an excellent decision. Starting today, people will have to verify their identity with either Facebook or Google to leave comments on Flyer website articles. Allowing users to post anonymously enabled trolls, sock puppets, and people who would make everything about race and/or threaten other commenters or Flyer staff. If you’re not willing to back up what you say with your own real name, good riddance.
By the way, be sure to grab a copy of the new Flyer out today. The cover story is “Living Legend,” and it covers the life of FreeWorld’s Dr. Herman Green.
The Memphis Animal Shelter is running a patriotic special from now through July 3 – adopt a pet for $17.76.
A contract has been signed with an architect to build the pedestrian bridge from The Pinch over Front to Bass Pro at the Pyramid. (Linked article includes a slideshow)
You just can’t fix stupid: A woman from Long Island is suing a bar with a mechanical bull after she was thrown off the bull and tore her ACL. She claims that bar employees should have noticed she was too drunk and not permitted her to get on the bull.
From 5 to 8 at Miss Cordelia’s tonight, there will be live music by Jamie Baker, and the Double J Egg Roll Express and El Mero Taco food trucks will be on site.
Update about Canada Day at Kooky Canuck this Saturday, July 1 – Canadian music icon Val Halla will appear at the Downtown Kooky Canuck from noon to 1 PM.
That’s it for now. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that I am going to the Farmers Market after work! Given that it’s only a block away from where I live, I am going to be checking out any pre-prepared grab & heat later foods a lot more than I do at the Saturday market. That Grecian Gourmet booth is one I am going to have to check out for sure. Following the market I will do happy hour at the Blind Bear, where I hear there will be a familiar face behind the bar. Hope to see you at the market, and I’ll be back tomorrow with more news.