My BBQ teammates Jeremy and Jeana came to town yesterday. Among other stops we went to Carolina Watershed, the new bar made of silos on East Carolina.
It was a beautiful place.
Really nice place. I would recommend checking it out if you haven’t already. It’s on Carolina Avenue just east of Main. PRO TIP: If you go during the day, hit the candy store across the street.
I awoke to the sound of sleet hitting my window this morning. A look out the window revealed snow-covered rooftops. If you have plans today, might want to call ahead and confirm the place you’re going is open. A brief 1-minute glance at Twitter revealed that Lisa’s Lunchbox and Downtown Yoga are closed today. I thought about calling my former company’s inclement weather hotline to see if they’re opening today. Didn’t do it though.
Just a friendly reminder to my readers – Bardog Tavern has $2 Fireball when it’s snowing. And it opens at 8 AM. Not saying that’s where I’m going, because I have a lot of important things to do today. Just letting you know it’s an option if you find free time on your hands.
Back tomorrow with more news.