If you see this motorcycle around town, please call 545-COPS and report its location. It was stolen from a residential area in Midtown over the weekend.
I led off at Bardog yesterday for brunch, and walked right into a birthday party.
Happy birthday Lauren and thank you for making me part of your day. I posted the photo above to Facebook and Instagram, and people started wishing me happy birthday. I had to make it clear it was not MY birthday! “Just go with it, you’ll get free shots,” advised a friend of mine.
Later in the day I walked down to Loflin Yard (damn that’s a long walk from the Downtown core) for Cerrito Bingo, called not by Cerrito but by one of his assistants.
There were 10 rounds of bingo, with various prizes including a beverage, a pint glass, queso, brisket tacos, anything with chicken (I would have got Loflin’s hot chicken sandwich had I won that round), a hat, and $10, $15, and $20 Loflin Yard gift cards.
Why do the gods of bingo hate me so much? I NEVER win!!! At one point I counted 16 people playing, and with 10 rounds that gave me a better-than-even chance of winning something. But, no. I tied for a bingo in the 7th round ($10 gift card) but lost best 2-of-3 rock-paper-scissors in the tiebreaker. The winner of that round had the opportunity to play blackjack against the bingo host for double-or-nothing, a chance to turn his $10 gift card into a $20 gift card. He declined and I would have too.
I also stopped at the Silly Goose where I picked up some inside information for my readers: They were talking about making 20 pizzas “for Tuesday night.” I bet those pizzas are going to National Night Out at Malco Powerhouse. If you haven’t tried the Goose’s wood-fired pizzas yet, here’s your chance to do so for free. One request, though: If there’s one slice left and an MPD officer is behind you in line, let him or her cut ahead of you.
The Monday night 3-course dinner is back at Paulette’s tonight. Here’s this week’s menu.
GREAT post by my friend, career coach Angela Copeland today – Learning is the New Loyalty. If your job doesn’t allow you to keep your skills up to date, you’re likely falling behind.
Time for work. Back tomorrow with more news.