All the mayors of Shelby County are scheduled to be at the joint task force briefing at noon today. If you’re on Facebook and follow any of the local TV stations, you’ll probably get a notification.
I found these at the Downtown Walgreens yesterday and decided to give them a try.
Brown sugar cinnamon is my favorite Pop-Tart flavor, and I’ve loved the Good Humor strawberry shortcake bars on a stick since I was little, so I was excited to see the two concepts combined into one.
The verdict, though, was “meh.” I don’t regret buying and trying, but these things are vanilla ice cream bars with a very slight hint of cinnamon and some crunchies on the outside. I’ll certainly eat the remaining five bars, but I don’t see myself rushing back for more of these.
On Thursday, April 30 at 2 PM, Memphis magazine will do an In the Kitchen webinar with Felicia of Felicia Suzanne Restaurant. Felicia will cook live while discussing the local restaurant scene and sharing some of her favorite recipes. Questions from the audience will be encouraged in a Q&A session. Advanced registration is recommended. Sign up here
Restaurant dining rooms in Tipton County to our north are allowed to re-open today. Restaurant dining rooms in Shelby County remain closed.
Memphis transfer Landers Nolley II has changed his mind about testing the NBA draft without an agent this year, so Penny can count on him in Tiger blue for 2020-21 – if the NCAA waives the year he would otherwise have to sit out. He had planned to test the NBA draft process with Penny’s blessing.
The Mississippi Emergency Management agency published a 1-877 number people could call to report violations of that state’s stay-home order – but it turned out to be a phone sex hotline.
For those of you who attend church regularly but who were unable to yesterday due to the house arrest, I invite you to tune into the USA Network between 7 and 10 PM Central time and hear the words of the Monday Night Messiah.
That’s the news for now. Back later today or tomorrow.