I recapped the weekly COVID-19 county task force press conference yesterday afternoon. Keep scrolling past the end of this post to read. We are in the early stages of what could be a surge that cripples the community. The big thing to know is that if you display ANY symptoms of the coronavirus, you need to go get tested immediately and otherwise STAY HOME until either 1) you test negative or 2) you test positive and isolate for 10 days, including 24 hours without a fever or symptoms. Do not go to work if you have any symptoms. Employers should send workers displaying symptoms home immediately.
The CEO of the alternative care hospital on Union, in the former Commercial Appeal building, now believes it will have to open to handle overflow COVID-19 cases. A month ago, no one would have thought that would one day become necessary.
From the CA: Memphis in May’s key to survival is big crowds in 2021 following the cancellation of 2020’s events. Are we really going to be back to normal by May 2021 though? The traditional weekend of Music Fest is barely more than six months away. The festival drained its cash reserves to pay bills this year, and would face bankruptcy if its revenue sources again dried up in 2021.
The CA article is also worth a read for speculation that the festival could relocate to Mud Island, perhaps temporarily while construction is done on Tom Lee Park, perhaps permanently.
My prediction is that Memphis in May in October will happen in 2021, it will be a huge party, and will save the nonprofit behind the month of festivals.
Whoa… Biden has moved up to a 89/11 favorite in FiveThirtyEight’s electoral vote projection. That is the biggest lead he has had in that projection to date. Iowa and Georgia, which flipped to red last weekend, have flipped back to blue in the projection. Pennsylvania is still the most likely tipping-point state and Biden is an 86/14 favorite there.
On the other hand, Florida has flipped to Trump in the RealClearPolitics no toss-up states electoral map along with Georgia. That reduces Biden to a 311/227 advantage when he had been in the 350s before.
Momma’s will host live music by Smoke Stacks Friday night at 6:30.
If you don’t mind a drive to Millington, logistics firm Ingram Micro is hiring. They need “selectors” and equipment operators and plan to hire 750 people. Overtime pay is a possibility.
There’s horror movie trivia tonight at Tin Roof starting at 6.
It’s going to be an extremely rainy day from about 10:00 on, so take an umbrella if you go out. I anticipate staying home and working on my writing career this afternoon. Back tomorrow with more news.