Last night I watched SMU play a high school team on national TV. SMU beat the high school team, 70-62. Next up: The high school team travels to Tulsa for a nationally televised game on ESPN Sunday at 2.
The high school team asked its fans to stand until it scored its first point. The fans were left standing for more than 6 minutes. Suggestion to the coach: Next time, ask the fans to stand until the high school team commits its first turnover. Butts will be in seats in the first :20.
Charcuterie box company Feast & Graze will have a brick & mortar retail location beginning February 1 thanks to the DMC’s Open on Main program. The shop will be at 55 S. Main, right down the street from Ben Yay’s and Maciel’s. Cristina McCarter, proprietor of Feast & Graze, will get a year’s free rent, giving her time to test whether this is a retail store concept that will work.
Downtown bartenders: You can win recognition by submitting a cocktail in the Choose901 Downtown Cocktail Contest. You have until February 4 to turn in a recipe using Old Dominick spirits. Winners will be crowned in
- Best Overall
- Best Name
- Best Use of Garnish
- Best Presentation
- Best Gin Drink
- Best Whiskey Drink
- Best Vodka Drink
Now you can get Green Beetle food without coming Downtown. The Green Beetle food truck will be parked outside the Memphis Made taproom in Cooper-Young, Menu items include
- Boudin Balls
- Yard Bird Fries (topped with smoked chichen)
- Loaded Taco Fries
- Smoked Chicken Sandwich
- Smashed Burger
- Catfish Strips
- Chicken Tenders
River Time Market and Deli has a description, witness, and video of the man that smashed in their front door and stole their cash box this past weekend. The suspect is a man who is known to police and residents in the area. Yet police are telling the owners, “We have to have a name. We can’t pick him up without a name.” That is RIDICULOUS. We’re supposed to be on a first-name basis with our local criminals?
DJ AD spins at the Blind Bear Saturday night starting at 9 PM.
There’s a Senior Property Accountant job available Downtown.
Robot umpires will man home plate for some Triple-A Minor League Baseball teams in 2022, but the Memphis Redbirds are not one of those teams.
THe U of M Law School has several tenure-track faculty positions open and has a particular need for expertise in Torts.
On Wednesday, February 18, there will be a walk across Big River Crossing at sunset, just in time to watch the rise of the full Snow Moon from the Arkansas side. It’s free to participate in this event.
Tell a tree rat you appreciate them today, because it’s Squirrel Appreciation Day.
ABC 24’s Richard Ransom has an idea for fighting drag racing and reckless driving in Memphis: Start ticketing drivers of cars with modified mufflers that make them super loud. The law is already on the books.
Broke Tall Folk play The Vault tonight at 8.
There will be a blindfold poetry slam tonight at 7 at 488 S. Second. Note that tickets must be purchased in advance (they won’t be sold at the door) and there is a camouflage attire theme.
Lucas Carpenter, Eva Cassel, and David Adams play the 5 Spot in the back of Earnestine & Hazel’s tonight at 9. $10 cover.
It’s Bachateame Friday at the Rumba Room tonight 9 to 3.
Soup Sunday moves to a new venue this year. It will be at The Kent, the new Uptown event space at Front and Keel on Sunday, February 20. Because of COVID, they’re scaling back this year – they’ll limit the number of tickets sold and only 20 restaurants will participate with their finest soups and other goodies. A variety of beer, wine, and cocktails will be served alongside the food. Grab your early bird ticket for $75 while it’s still January. The annual event, in the past held at FedExForum, is a fundraiser for Youth Villages.
That’s it for today. Back tomorrow with more news.