Where I’ve been

I am in Regional One, the hospital on Jefferson.

My left leg has been extremely swollen lately, so swollen I could barely fit in the new shoes a friend gave me. The morning of Friday, November 1, I felt extremely hot. I tried to walk Downtown and do my normal routine, I began to feel so weak that I had to call an ambulance.

I was in bad shape. My temperature was 102. My blood pressure was 160/100. I was admitted to the acute care department.

Since then, I’ve gotten much better. My temperature is down to normal and my blood pressure is 117/75. I’m walking around my hospital room just fine. Two of my favorite Bardog girls came to see me and my friends Randy and Teresa brought me dessert.

I don’t know how much longer I’ll be in here. Monday, November 18 is my birthday and I really don’t want to be in the hospital on my birthday or the weekend proceeding it….we shall see.

Thanks for sticking with me. I’ll get back to regular news updates as soon as I can.

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Cash App: $PaulRyburn1
Zelle: paul@paulryburn.com
Apple Pay: paul.ryburn@gmail.com