Before I get into the list of venues doing something special for the Tigers-Kansas game tonight, let me first warn everyone to please be careful. Other cities have experienced rioting and unruly crowds in the streets following their sports team winning a national title. If – no, WHEN the Tigers win tonight, we could see the same thing. Go out, party and celebrate, but be careful, and always be aware of your surroundings. If you drive your car down here, I recommend you pay to park it in a garage tonight, rather than at a metered space on a heavily-traveled steet like Second, Peabody Place, or Beale, just to keep it safe.
The Red Rooster is opening its doors at 5:00 tonight for their game watch party. They’ll have $1.50 drafts and $10 Maxalicious pizzas until the end of the game. They have 500 square feet of TVs, and it’s hard to find a seat in the house that isn’t good for TV viewing. They even painted the giant rooster outside the front door blue. There’s no telling what else Robby Bobby will do to make the evening entertaining. You can never go wrong with the Rooster.
Calhoun’s will be showing the game on their 5 TVs, of course. If you plan on watching it there, keep in mind that Calhoun’s is a tiny little bar with seating capacity of 75 (and that’s really standing-room-only capacity, not seating capacity). The tip-off is at 8:21 PM; my guess is, if you’re not there by 7, you’re probably not getting in and better have a Plan B.
The Majestic Grille will show the championship game on their big screen. In the future, this screen will be used for movies rather than sports, but how could they not show the Tigers in the title game? Good place to go if you want to sit down and have a nice meal while watching the tournament final.
The U of M is having a watch party of their own at the Elma Roane field house on campus. Doors open at 7:21 PM, exactly an hour before tip-off. The event is open to the general public; you don’t have to be a student to get in.
And, of course, I’m sure you can figure out where I’ll be for the game… the Flying Saucer. 2 projection screens, 3 LCD HDTVs and 2 CRT TVs. As far as I know they do not plan to cancel Pint Nite, so there will be $2.75 draft beer. And hot waitresses in extremely short skirts. The gang will be split tonight as it looks like many people will be watching it at the Red Rooster; that’s fine, the Rooster is a great choice, but I can’t be anywhere but home for this one. I’ve asked people who are going to the Rooster to take pics, and I’m sure Mikey the Camera Nazi will grab my camera at the Saucer, so we may have a double photo album. Immediately after the game I’ll tab out and head to the Rooster.
What a shame that we can’t all be at Sleep Out Louie’s to watch the Tigers win the national title.
Just got back from lunch at the new place where my BFF bartends. Once again, she didn’t do anything that would be the final straw and allow me to kick her to the curb. I think she’s on her best behavior now. She changed beer kegs and beer spewed all over her. It was funny. I had nachos for lunch and she started eating right off my plate, and she had no problem claiming the best chips, with the most cheese and meat on them, for herself. I ordered peach cobbler for dessert, and she just grabbed a second spoon and dug right in. Then she realized how bad it looked to be eating the customers’ food, and scooped out about 60% of the cobbler into a bowl for herself. Did she discount/comp anything after eating all my food? Of course not.
Back to discussion of the game… Oddsmakers have us beating Kansas by 2. They had us beating UCLA by 2 as well, and we won by 15. They had us over Texas by 2 and we won by 18.
Know what sucks? I’m in second place in my office’s bracket pool out of 32 entries, but as far as I know only first place pays, and the guy who’s ahead of me also has Memphis to win it tonight, so I can’t possibly catch up.
Time to get back to work.