It’s Saturday, or Produce Day as I like to call it. It is my favorite day of the week, because it is the day when I get to go down to the Memphis Farmers Market where there is fresh produce. It’s not that I BUY and CONSUME fresh produce, because I don’t. However, I feel that just being IN THE VICINITY of fresh produce makes me a healthier person. A fact that is lost on most of the Western world is that plants have consciousness just like humans and animals do. The kale may not have eyes and ears, but it can sense that I am there, and it sends be-healthy-Paul vibes my way. Thank you, kale.
The Memphis Daily News has an article about the blighted 107 S. Main building owned by Allan H. Long: Partial roof collapse revives concern about Downtown Memphis eyesore. Yes, it is an eyesore, and it is holding that block back – the demonstration block of Downtown’s potential. Mr. Long doesn’t care apparently. An inspection was done in the spring, and a report concludes, “This by definition suggests that unless action is taken soon toward restoration, structural collapse becomes likely.” If walking down the Main Street Mall, I would advise you to walk on the other side of the street.
Speaking of restoration – and this is good news not bad – the New Daisy is getting some major renovations. A new sound system is going in, and major improvements are being made to the lighting, seating, and bar access. With a national company taking over booking for the New Daisy. the live music venue’s future is looking bright.
A bunch of my friends figured prominently in Pam and Terry’s photo gallery for their Thursday, July 23 performance at Blind Bear. From what I have been told, they finished their second set and were ready to call it a night, but the crowd kept going, “No, we don’t want you to leave” and stuffing fives and tens and 20s in the tip jar. I hear it was a late night for the duo, and they had a guest performance on a Johnny Cash song.
The Big 12 is bound to expand in a few years so they can have a conference championship game. John Martin of 92.9 FM had ESPN’s Brett McMurphy as a guest on his radio show, and asked him what Memphis needs to do to get one of the expansion spots. McMurphy said it is simple: Be the best football team available at the time. Win the AAC, have the highest ranking among teams not in a power conference, get invited to a Big Six bowl.
From WREG: Downtowners say the aggressive panhandler law is working. The new law, in effect since July 1, allows repeat offenders to get jail time instead of just a citation. 45 arrests have been made this month, with 26 of them repeat offenders.
Speakers have been set for the inaugural Memphis TEDx event. The headliner will be Kimball Musk, brother of Elon Musk.
Friends of mine tried Agave Maria last night for the first time and loved it. They sent me photos. I hope I have these captions right. Using Evernote to take notes in a crowded bar is not easy.

Pork shank tacos

Duck tacos

Hot sauces. That Roja sauce is the one I was talking about on my blog a couple of weeks ago, that was so good on my shrimp enchiladas. It didn’t have a label at the time.

Black beans
From Mashable: Seven unsung iconic American foods that do not get the credit they deserve. NUMBER SEVEN. DATE SHAKES. There’s a restaurant about halfway between the California-Arizona border and San Diego that sells these. Get one if you ever have reason to travel through the area. They will change your life, I promise.
Gonna be a hot walk to the Farmers Market this morning, but I don’t mind. There is nothing I would not do for fresh produce. After that, dranks with my “DAWG” John D at Bardog, and then I will figure out the rest of the day.