Halloween listings, vegan restaurant Downtown?, Saucer trivia canceled Tue, more

This week’s Livin’ it Up in Downtown Memphis is out.  Check it out to learn about all the Halloween parties that will be going on Downtown Friday night, as well as for info about RiverArtsFest and other Downtown events happening within the next 7 days.  They have a blurb about Alcenia’s appearance on the Food Network next Monday at 9.  Wonder where they learned about that?  Don’t forget that you can subscribe to Livin’ it Up to have it delivered to your Inbox every Thursday.

BLAST IT ALL!!!  I missed the CCC’s tour of Downtown manhole covers today at lunchtime!  I wanted to go on that, but got so wrapped up in last night’s website discovery that I totally forgot!

I just heard a rumor that a vegan restaurant may be coming to Downtown Memphis.  Needless to say, that does not appeal to me at all, but I’ll get the info for my vegan readers.  My health guru AL is probably jumping up and down clapping her hands right now.

Also, I just learned that trivia at the Flying Saucer is canceled next Tuesday due to election night.  Not sure if the Saucer plans on putting the sound on for the results or running any kind of specials, but I’m here right now, having just got done with a business meeting, and will find out.

Lazy, do-nothing, sit-on-her-ass Brittney is bartending today.  Normally that’d be enough to drive me straight out the door after my business meeting, but I can’t wait to show Brittney what I found on a certain website’s archives last night, since Brittney and Meghan are good friends.

Oh and the fire sale is Yazoo Pale Ale.  I haven’t used Twitter to update the “what’s the fire sale” box yet today.

Thur update: Moochers, who’s showing election returns?, trivia night

Good how-to link I found yesterday – How to deal with a mooching friend.  It doesn’t take a genius-level IQ to know when someone is trying to freeload off you.  This article gives useful tips to help you curb their mooching behavior.

Yay!  I scheduled another meeting at the Second Street Branch Office for this afternoon.  I like working from the branch office.  Hmmm the Weather Channel says it’s going to 70 today.  Is it unprofessional to wear shorts to a business meeting?

Got a question for everyone… we’ve all been so busy making Halloween plans, that it’s been easy to lose sight of the fact that Election Day is only 5 days away.  Question for restaurant/bar owners and managers reading this – who will be showing the election returns on their TVs, and will you have sound on?  Let me know and I’ll post a list of places where you can watch returns.

Getting fired up for Big Foot Lodge’s Halloween party tonight at 9.  It looks like I may have to work before the party… one of the girls at the Saucer asked if I could pick up her shift, so I may have to go in and work for about an hour, hour and a half.  Management has promised me I’ll be off by 9 so I can go to Big Foot.  I’m grateful for the chance to make some money, but the thing is, in this economy I’m really going to have to work it to get good tips.  I won’t be able to just sit on my ass and run my mouth all night, like Meghan and Brittney did before Meghan got hired by Big Foot and Brittney got moved behind the bar.

It’s trivia night at Jillian’s with $2 Bud and Bud Light and $3 grape, cherry and Jager bombs.  I probably won’t make it this week, but maybe some Rapscallions will show up and win some more money and continue our perfect winning streak.

All right, time to get a couple of hours work done before I go to my meeting.  Which means, time to get 10 minutes of work done, and spend the rest of the time laughing at the photo I found on one of my favorite websites last night.

Recommended artist at RiverArtsFest – Shane Paris Art

RiverArtsFest happens this Saturday and Sunday in the South Main Arts District, with music on 5 stages, food, and more than 150 artists selling their work.  South Main from Huling to St. Paul will be closed off for the event, which will run from 10 AM to 6 PM Saturday, and 10 AM to 5 PM Friday.  This is the descendant of the South Main Arts Festival and Arts in the Park, and drew 40,000 people in its first year last year.

I want to personally recommend the work of one of the artists who will have a booth there:  Shane Paris Art.  I’ve known Shane for 5 years and have seen his work in several galleries during previous South Main Trolley Art Tours.  His premise is that everyone should be able to afford art, not just the rich.  You can check out some of his artwork here.  He also can be hired to create a custom photo montage of your favorite images.  Shane also does logo design, and he custom-designed the logo I currently use on my business cards to reflect a “Downtown” feel.  He does freelance ad layout design too.  Also, he can take an ordinary photo of your pet and turn it into a truly unique and special memory.

Furthermore, Shane is not only an artist I highly respect, but a true friend as well.  When I was invited to come to Sunday brunch at Sleep Out Louie’s one day in early 2003, Shane was one of the first people I met, and he and his girlfriend Leigh immediately made me feel welcome and part of the group.  Since then he’s always been there with advice when I needed it, and has just been a real good person to sit at a bar and drink a beer with.  He’s a good person for Downtowners to hire to do custom work, because he lives and breathes Downtown Memphis.

Be sure to look for his booth this weekend.  Look for me too – I’ll be at RiverArtsFest both days, probably getting there around noon and staying until close.

I just couldn’t do it.

I just deleted a post that had been up for 13 minutes.

Tonight I was surfing the archives of a website I read frequently, and found a photo of Meghan who bartends at Big Foot Lodge.  It’s a site I’ve mentioned several times before, not a local Memphis site but a national site where people send in pics to be posted.  There have to be two particular elements to the pic for it to be considered worthy of posting on that site.

After laughing my ass off, I posted a link to it a few minutes after midnight.  But then compassion got the better of me.  Even as rude as she was to me Monday night, I just can’t embarrass her like that, not on such a large scale.  Not to mention that it would embarrass the two other girls and the guy in the pic as well, people with whom I have no problem (and I’ve heard the guy, who I’ve only met once, is actually a very nice guy).  So I took my link to it down.  Damn it.  I’m too nice.

John D, Air Traffic Mike, and Bicycle Bobby, the link to the page I’m talking about will be in your e-mail Inbox in the morning.  For the rest of you, sorry.  (Edit:  Air Traffic Mike, I’m getting that “mailbox not found” error from your AOL account again.)

Wed update: U of M stepping it up, birthdays

Late in the day for my first post… I was away from the computer most of the day.  I attended an alumni luncheon at the University of Memphis today.  They presented awards to several outstanding alumni, and spoke about new projects in the works.  Afterward I walked around the campus awhile.

I’ve got to say, the U of M has really stepped it up.  They’re well on their way to becoming a first-class university.  The attitude has changed from a decade ago when I got my Master’s degree there and then went on to teach there.  Back then, too often the attitude was one of settling for mediocrity due to budget concerns.  Now the attitude seems to be, “we’re going to strive for excellence, and if money’s a problem we’re going to go out and create the community partnerships that need to be made in order to take care of it.”  It’s turned into a university I’m proud to have graduated from, and it’s certainly grown out of the derisive “Tiger High” label people used to slap on it.

Lots of birthdays this week… first of all, happy birthday to my new BFF Lauren.  She celebrates her birthday today, as does my friend Skippy.  Yesterday was my friend Mikey’s birthday, and I skipped trivia to attend a surprise party for him and Skippy at Calhoun’s.  There was food, music, and of course, beer.  Someone gave him a 12-pack of PBR as a present.  Now that’s a thoughtful gift.  By the end of the evening Mikey was dancing on the bar.

I’m getting my costume ready for Big Foot Lodge’s Halloween party tomorrow night from 9 PM to 3 AM.  No disrespect to anyone who works at Big Foot (well, except Meghan – lots of disrespect to her), but the best waitress there tomorrow night will not be a Big Foot employee.  $2 Super Cold Coors Light, drink specials, $300 cash prize for first place in the costume contest, cash prizes for second and third also.

Gotta rebuild my server tray, so I’m outta here for now.  I have a couple more items, so I may post again later.


I cannot believe I’ve been so stupid.  Up until today, I had never been to Alcenia’s for lunch, despite having lived Downtown almost 7 years.

I got out of early voting about 11:15, and realized Alcenia’s was only a few blocks away from the election commission.  So I wandered up there, and had some great fried chicken, cabbage, green beans, and cornbread.  Big portions, too.  That was really, really good.  I’ve been told to try the pork chops, so that’ll be my next visit.  I want to try their chicken and dressing too, which I’ve been told they have on Fridays.

It felt like I was a guest in someone’s home for lunch, with B.J. the manager coming around to make sure everyone was well taken care of.  She told me to be sure and watch the Food Network next Monday at 9, where her restaurant will be featured on… oh, I forgot the name of the show, it’s the show with Chef Guy Whats-His-Name who does the TGI Friday’s commercials.

I ordered a Coke, but if I had looked carefully at the menu I would have ordered the Ghetto-Aid (extra sweet Kool-Aid) instead.

They also have a Saturday brunch from 9 to 1 that looks interesting:  $10.50 for bacon, turkey bacon, sausage, fried chicken, omelets, fried green tomatoes, chicken and waffles, rice, grits, pancakes, biscuits, and their “famous salmon croquette.”

I definitely won’t let another 7 years pass before I go back.

I have performed my civic duty.

I finally early voted today.  There was a line but it wasn’t too bad.  I was out in about 15 minutes.  To the people who asked me last night, “So you’re going to vote for the first socialist president in U.S. history?”, I reply, that’s not possible.  How can he be the first, with Fidel Bush, Raul Cheney, and Ernesto “Che” Paulson in power right now?

Here’s an article on why McCain is so far behind. Did you know that the Anchorage Daily News, the largest newspaper in Sarah Palin’s home state, endorsed Obama and said Palin was “beyond her range” and not ready to be “one 72-year-old hearbeat from the leadership of the free world?”

Okay, I have a question.

If you’re at a bar, and someone else buys you a drink, do you have to tip the bartender for it?

Last night, I was at Big Foot, watching washed-up Peyton lose yet another game.  While there, I had two 34 oz. Super Cold Coors Lights, bringing my tab to a whopping 4 bucks.  “Why have I been going to the Saucer to watch Monday Night Football?” I wondered.  “This is too good a deal to miss.”

Then it got even better.  The guy next to me paid his tab and said, “Let me get these guys too,” pointing to his left and right.  Suddenly my cost for spending two hours at Big Foot had dropped from $4 to $0.  Woohoo!  (Thank you, by the way, if you’re reading this.)

Then bartender Meghan opened her big mouth and ruined the good mood I was in.  “YOU STILL HAVE TO TIP ME, PAUL,” she said.  WTF?  If someone else buys the beer, it makes sense that he’ll tip on the beer too (which I know for a fact he did in this case).  And now Meghan wants an additional tip?

So I fished around in my pocket, hoping to find some pennies, but all I had were quarters.  I usually stuff several dollars in quarters in my pocket when I go out, in case I feel like playing pool on a pay table.  So I pulled out 4 of the quarters and slammed them on the bar.  “THAT’S NOT ENOUGH, PAUL,” said Meghan.  “I DESERVE A BIG TIP.”  So, feeling generous, I took out four more quarters.  Keep in mind that I was now tipping 50% on my tab.  Even if the beers had been full price, it still would’ve been 25%.  And yet Meghan continued to say, “THAT’S NOT ENOUGH, PAUL.  COME ON, GIVE ME A GOOD TIP.”  At that point I’d had enough.  I downed the rest of my beer, and walked to Bardog Tavern, to remind myself what friendly, courteous bartenders are like.  I tipped 100% on my tab at Bardog.

Speaking of Bardog… Aldo’s training the bartenders to smile and wave at people who walk by the front window, so they’ll realize it’s a friendly neighborhood bar and come in.  Contrast that to Meghan… when she saw people walk past the front window last night, she started chanting “don’t come in here don’t come in here don’t come in here.”

Oh, there is one exception about tipping when other people buy you drinks… if the bartender buys me a drink, I will certainly tip on that drink.  However, this is not an issue with Meghan, who is a cheap-ass who never does anything nice.

Meghan is the female equivalent of this guy.  And that’s my final word on the matter.