More on Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE)

Last week, I posted an article about Best Buy moving to a Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE) at its corporate offices. Under this system, employees are not required to be at the office during mandatory work hours – they can do their work when and where they choose, and they are measured by their performance, not by their presence. Companies that have adopted ROWE have seen a significant increase in employee performance, as well as a decrease in employee turnover.

CultureRx, a consulting company that helps other companies convert to ROWE, has a presentation on their website explaining how ROWE works (requires Flash). If you’re an entrepreneur or corporate manager, or if you’re an employee who loves your job but hates Cubicle World, I encourage you to check out this site.

Quote from the site: “If Einstein developed his Theory of Relativity in 1 hour, would you make him sit at his desk 7 more?”

Great to see companies thinking outside the box. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of cubicle culture.