Question: Memphis City Council on TV?

When I was growing up in Little Rock, the city council meetings (over there I think it was called Little Rock Board of Directors or something slightly different) were broadcast live on one of the public-access cable channels.

Does anyone know if the meetings of the Memphis City Council are broadcast on public-access cable TV, and if so what channel and time? If they are broadcast, I’m going to start setting my DVR. I’m sure the meetings would be among the most entertaining shows on television, considering that the City Council has more clowns than Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey.

In today’s news: Councilman Edmund Ford, facing federal bribery charges, throws a tantrum because the Council’s chairperson didn’t appoint him to head any committees. Meanwhile, Councilman and Beale Street Merchants Association president Rickey Peete pleads not guilty to his federal bribery charges. I can’t wait to see what Thaddeus Matthews has to say about all this.