The MLGW scandal is a mess, but because of it I learned of a very cool program

This morning, as I read about the latest developments in the MLGW scandal, I came across a program that is ***NOT*** connected to the scandal in any way, that seems to be a really good way to help the less fortunate. It’s called PLUS-1, and it allows MLGW customers to add $1 per month to their utility bill, with the extra money going toward lower-income families who are having trouble paying their bills. The program is administered by the Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA). Sounds like a worthwhile thing to do. I think I’ll sign up.

Man, the MLGW thing is turning into a big mess… while individuals and small businesses with past due bills in the $300 range get their power cut, Edmund Ford is allowed to keep his power with a bill that’s in the five figures. And that’s not all… blogger Thaddeus Matthews uncovered an entire list of businesses that are more than 30 days past due and who have HUGE bills. The one I find most interesting is Memphis Publishing Company (i.e. The Commercial Appeal) – more than $79,000 past due. How can we expect complete, unbiased reporting on this matter from the CA when they’re almost 80 grand behind on their utility bills? Look to Thad and also to the Memphis Flyer for the best coverage of the MLGW case.

Just in… MLGW boss Lee just handed in his resignation and King Willie refused to accept it. This is getting interesting.