Thursday update: Deal, Memphis radio, Broken Windows, and more

– BREAKING NEWS: King Willie has accepted the resignations of MLGW chief Joseph Lee and counsel Odell Horton. Herenton refused Lee’s resignation last month but said he’s now come to a “different point of view” (translation: Willie is trailing badly in the polls).

– Before we get started, here’s a Deal for you: Creative Labs has a 1 GB Zen Stone MP3 player on sale for $39.99. It’s comparable to the iPod Shuffle 1 GB (which sells for about twice as much) in that it holds approximately 250 songs. I’m assuming that, like the Shuffle, it can play the songs in either the order in which you load them, or in random order. Click the image below to get to the Deal.

– Did you know that there’s a radio station that plays nothing but Memphis music? I didn’t, until I read an article on the Memphis Business Journal’s website this morning. It’s an online station called and it’s been broadcasting over the Internet since last August. This spring they’re partnering with the Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau to promote Memphis in May and the 50th anniversary of soul.

– This morning’s Daily News had an article about Downtown Memphis, art, and Broken Windows theory. The theory claims that eliminating the small problems in a neighborhood – such as a broken window – eliminate larger problems like robbery, gang activity, etc. According to Broken Windows, would-be criminals see the small signs, like broken windows, as indicators that criminal activity will be tolerated in the area.

According to the article, Lauren Kennedy, a Rhodes student, plans to use art to apply a version of Broken Windows to Downtown Memphis. She counted 25 vacant storefronts between Adams and Union, and intends to work with local artists to put art in those storefronts, providing a little “window dressing” for the area.

Now that’s cool. It really shows how one person with an idea can make a difference – even a college student with no stakeholdings in Downtown business. Congratulations to Ms. Kennedy for thinking outside of the box, and I hope it inspires others. Once the artwork is in the storefronts I’ll try to snap some pics and post ’em.

– Wow, TONS of news about Downtown in the local media today. The CA has an article about the Humes Room downstairs at the Superior Bar on Beale, full of memorabilia from the old Humes High School that closed in the 1970s, including photos of its most famous alumnus, Elvis. Sounds like the room is not open to the public, although they let one tour company book tours there, and occasionally they’ll take select groips down there.

– Last night I took the laptop to Dan McGuinness Pub (aka the Peabody Place branch office) and got a lot of work done on my upcoming websites. That’s a really good place to take a laptop – I love the Saucer but I’m a lot more productive at McGuinness. Think I may get in the habit of hanging out at the Saucer with the early-evening crowd, then when they leave around 7:30-8:00 I’ll walk across the street to McG and fire up the computer and work until the battery dies.

– Rusty Lemon plays the Peabody rooftop tonight from 6 to 10. $5 cover, free before 8 for ladies. According to the Weather Channel there’s a 60% chance of scattered thunderstorms this evening, and if that’s the case it will move inside. Undecided whether I’ll do that party, the one at EP’s, or neither. For the after-rooftop crowd, Snozberry will play the Flying Saucer starting at 9:30.