Bum, bum, more to come…

It appears that the Handling-Panhandling online forum has played a key role in removing one of Downtown’s most aggressive and dangerous panhandlers from the streets. If things work out he’ll be gone for years. More details to come within 48 hours, after I talk to a couple of people.

Since this blog has acquired some new readers in the past two weeks, let me take a moment to mention the Handling-Panhandling forum again. Back in July Downtowners got fed up with the large numbers of overly aggressive panhandlers in the area, as well as the crimes that accompany panhandling (car break-ins, public urination, etc.) We formed an online discussion group where we talk about the problem panhandlers, where they “work,” and their routines. Members can also post pictures. The police and several community organizations have joined, and we’ve had several successes interrupting the lifestyle of the most intimidating panhandlers.

The forum is about aggressive panhandling, not the homeless problem, although that’s certainly an important problem as well. Most of the aggressive panhandlers are not homeless, and most homeless do not panhandle. So, discussion of the homeless is generally considered off-topic in the forum, although we do let people post about organizations that help the homeless as a way to redirect public generosity away from the panhandlers.

If the forum sounds like something you want to join, here’s a link. You’ll need to tell us why the panhandling issue is of concern to you, and then one of the moderators (either myself or Mike King) will approve you and you’ll be in. Once a member be sure to look at the “Pages” section, where we’ve created info pages about the worst panhandlers in the area. This section, from what I’ve been told, was key in taking down one of the worst of the worst yesterday.

Again, more info to come, stay tuned. Two more posts to come today, if not more, neither about bums or panhandling.