Friday update

Fox 13 ran a story about Sunday night’s Downtown crowbar beating incident. Here’s a link. The report says that Roy Dunbar aka “Flower Man” will be charged with aggravated robbery rather than attempted murder, because the robbery charge carries stiffer penalties. Fine. I don’t care what you charge him with. Just get him off the streets for a long, long time. PLEASE.

Eyewitness News has a story about the attack as well. They report that Dunbar is a career criminal who has been in and out of jail on charges of burglary, breaking into cars, and assault.

Yesterday I also heard about another bum who branched out into activities a lot more illegal and dangerous than panhandling. Wednesday night this guy was apparently mad at the world and decided to express himself by throwing bricks at cars. The police were called and he was hauled off to jail. Good riddance, yet again.

Recap of the day yesterday: Had some website updates to do. Got most of them done, then decided about 3:30 to go hang out at the Saucer for a couple of hours. Which really meant, I decided to go hang out at the Saucer for five hours. Came home, tried to resume my work, but my Internet connection was having problems. I’ve heard I’m not the only Downtowner who has had problems with Comcast this week. So after a while I gave up and went back out, first to McGuinness and then EP’s. Got my second wind at EP’s and totally could have closed the place down, but a little after 1 I got a weird vibe from someone I thought was a friend, and decided the best thing to do was to just leave.

Computer: Good meeting you last night, and please send me details about your Wednesday night gig, will be happy to help get the word out.

I’ll also post details about EP’s Halloween party soon – just gotta download the pic from my camera.

Speaking of Halloween – this is how the Halloween parties Downtown are looking so far:

Friday the 26th: My apartment building’s party. Sorry, this is a private party. Although, exceptions can be made if you’re female and hot. Atlas (inside Jillian’s) has their party on the 26th as well.

Saturday the 27th: Flying Saucer, and last I heard McGuinness was leaning toward having their party on this date. That would be good because they’re right across the street from each other.

Wednesday the 31st: EP’s. Usually Big Foot does their party on the 31st, although I don’t have official confirmation on this.

Any other parties to add to the list? Is 450 Stonewall happening this year? Their website hasn’t been updated since 2006. Even so, their site is worth visiting to browse all the pics of hot babes from previous years.

Plans for today: Continue the project I couldn’t get done last night, now that Internet is working again. Mid-afternoon I’ll head to the Saucer, where a Trappist monk brought in all the way from Belgium will bless the kegs at 5:30. Okay, he’s not really a Trappist monk, but if you drink enough you won’t know the difference. Later in the evening I plan on going to my happy place – Raiford’s. In fact, I may go to my happy place BOTH nights this weekend. Drinking a 40 and acting a fool sounds like just what the doctor ordered for Professor Paul right about now. I didn’t make it there last weekend, so tonight I’ll probably debut the new, improved gold disco outfit.

The good thing about the blessing of the kegs is that it happens at the bar, which means I’ll likely sit at the bar, and not be tempted to sit at the outside window for hours and hours and get drunk and play The Window Game. Yesterday’s results, with the game taking place from 3:40 to 8:30: 24 bums, 20 police cars, 7 cars making left turns out of the center lane. One car turned left out of the RIGHT lane, and I didn’t even have a category for that so I counted it as two out of the center lane. Watched Estes and Sherry panhandle on Second for a while. Sherry is the pregnant female bum, and Estes is her boyfriend or husband or whatever.

DAMN IT!!! I just checked the weather, and for the third year in a row the weather looks lousy for Halloween party weekend. Lows of 49 both Friday and Saturday. Warm weather is definitely preferable for Halloween, because it’s more conducive for females to wear skimpy, slutty costumes.

My favorite blogger/MILF is invited to my building’s Halloween party if she’ll dress up as Drunk Girl Doing Jello Shots In Her Underwear again.

All right, time to wrap this up and get some work done. Looking forward to a great weekend.