The drunkass McGuinness post

So tonight I went to the Saucer and (with Mikey the Camera Nazi) planned the presentation we’re going to give to the new Downtown security patrols next Thursday.  Got the handouts together – “common panhandling gimmicks”, “our favorite bums”, “problem panhandling locations.”  Took the laptop home, changed clothes, came back to the Saucer, hung out in the window with Harmony and a couple of other regulars who said “please don’t blog us” about 1000 times.  So I won’t.  They tell me they appreciate a good Sunday Fun Day as much as we do, so they’re cool.

After that, went to Hoop’s Bar.  The big news at Hoop’s is that they now have a record player and Hooper’s rather extensive record collection.  If there’s a record you own and want to hear I’m sure you could probably take it up there and Hoop would play it.  Unless it sucks.  I was trying to decide if I was hungry enough to eat again at Hoop’s, having not eaten since having a breakfast burrito from Elliott’s (sausage, jalapenos, onions, potatoes, egg and cheese) at 10 AM.  Probably a good thing I don’t have a girlfriend as she’d have to sleep on the couch after the contents of that burrito got processed.  Anyway, I thought about eating a second time – the Badass Burger or Anna’s Egg Wolls or the Meat Pizza (get you some) but decided not to.

And now I’m at McGuinness.  Drunk.  Having a Woodchuck Amber as my final beer.  Nothing like a nice sugary apple cider right before bedtime.

I’d do a beer report but I can’t remember two of the three beers I drank.  I wrote them down but it’s on a piece of paper I dropped off at home when I took home the laptop.  The one I remember is Dos XX Amber bottle.

Regular blog reader Mike W sent in this article about absinthe lollipops.

This post was really not worth reading.  Or typing.