Pics: Pub Olympics at Hoop’s Bar/EP’s

As promised, here are the photos from Sunday’s Pub Olympics at Hoop’s Bar/EP Delta Kitchen. The list of winners can be found here.

The first-place trophy

Three of the four judges (I was the fourth) and Mikey the Camera Nazi

Tricycle races

Beer pong

Here’s a link to the complete photo album.

Scroll down to the previous post to catch the BBQ Fest rumors. Also, check back today if you’re an Obama supporter. Got an announcement about some major names speaking at Saturday’s Downtowners for Obama event.

New feature coming to this blog: “Dear Health Guru AL.” You can e-mail me your questions for health guru AL, and her answers will be posted on this blog. I had sushi with her last night and she told me all about healthy Japanese eating. Send in your questions and you can learn about healthy eating too. Disclaimer: AL is not a doctor, so you’re best off sticking to nutrition questions.

AL, by the way, was the inventor of the BFF of the Month concept. While we were eating, I went over the major candidates for July. “There’s Melissa, who was pictured in that hot tube top dress yesterday,” I told her. “Then there’s Stephanie, who organizes the Downtown Alive events. Or I could bring Meghan back.”

“Paul, please tell me you aren’t stupid enough to bring Meghan back,” said AL.

After sushi I joined the trivia team at the Saucer. A cute girl asked if she could come to TubeTopalooza. “Sure, I’ll add you to the evite,” I told her. Another girl asked why she hadn’t been invited to TubeTopalooza. “My fault, I’ll add you to the evite,” I said. Then I was asked, “A buddy of mine is going to have a bunch of guys with him for his bachelor party, and they were wondering if they could come to TubeTopalooza.” HELL F’N NO!!!

Time to get to work. Going to make a second attempt to run the car through inspection today. After $1,000 worth of work it damn well better pass. Check back later today for Downtowners for Obama details.