New, tiny video camera

I’ve been hearing about a new video camera called The Flip which is only about the size of a pack of cigarettes, starts and stops recording with the touch of one button, and which is relatively inexpensive (not much more than a hundred bucks).  They’re becoming the rage to whip out and film at parties and clubs.

Hmmm… I can see another use for this.  On the Handling-Panhandling group, we’ve been trying to get video evidence of Downtown’s most aggressive panhandlers in action, following people and harassing them for money.  Of course, when they see us whipping out big, bulky cameras and video cameras, they quickly stop their activities and leave the area until we go away.  But if this new camera is the size of a pack of cigarettes – and I’m thinking maybe it can be disguised as a pack of cigarettes – this may be a way to get video of the species bummus downtownis in its native habitat, behaving as it naturally would in the wild.