A few good blog links to get your Saturday started

Facebook users, were you in the middle of a Scrabulous game when it was shut down? Want to finish it, and start new games? The LifeHacker blog (which is quickly moving to the top of my list of blogs to read every morning) has posted a way to do that. You install Firefox and its FoxyProxy extension, then use the extension to convince Facebook that you’re not in the US or Canada (the only countries in which it’s been removed).

Then I surfed over to the blog of author Tim Ferriss, who wrote The Four Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich. He had a fascinating 2-part interview with a woman who graduated from Columbia University at age 27, after growing up Amish and escaping at age 15.  The interview provides an interesting look at who the Amish are, and what it takes to “escape.”  Part 1 Part 2

That should give you something to get you started… I’ll be back later today with news about business openings and closings Downtown.  Came down with a fever of 101 last night and had to get in bed and skip both birthday parties I planned on attending last night.  Guess I pushed myself too hard during the week.  I really hated to miss the later one, which was for new co-BFF Darbi at Quetzal.  I just knew, though, that staying out ’til 3 and drinking beer the entire time, was not what I needed – it’s what got me sick in the first place, as a matter of fact.  I got some sleep and feel a little better this morning.