The ultimate in Downtown Memphis cruising

When the weather gets warm, tricked-out cars with huge rims come out and start cruising Second Street on Sunday afternoon.  Usually they are Buick Roadmasters, ’90s Chevy Caprices/Impala SSs, Crown Victorias, and ’80s Monte Carlos and Grand Prix with rims in the 22-26″ range.

The car pictured below, though, takes the prize for the best I’ve ever seen.  This is a mid-’70s model full-size GM convertible that cruised by several times yesterday.  I can’t quite tell the make of the car, but I think it’s a GrandVille, Pontiac’s equivalent of the Chevrolet Caprice in those days.  The rims must have been 36 inches.  And they did not move.  At all.


Let’s have a closer look:


“Nice rims, but how does he get in the car?” we wondered.  “Does he have to use a ladder?”