Wed update: Wine Down Wednesdays, Raiford video, and other stuff

The trivia team lost last night, and this time it was entirely my fault… there was an 18-point question asking who was President when the stock market fully recovered to its pre-1929 highs. I thought the year was 1952 and guessed Truman. Turns out it was actually 1954, when Eisenhower was president. Sorry guys. Congratulations to the winning teams.

25 years… wow. What if the market takes until 2033 to regain its 2008 levels?

After trivia I stopped by the Silly Goose for a couple of two-buck Tuesday cocktails. I heard the two-buck tacos (you get two of them for $2) were the hit of the evening, but they ran out before I got there. Next week I’ll try to make a pre-trivia stop at the Goose and try their tacos.  They say they’re going to order more of them next week, so they won’t run out.

They have a new special starting tonight too. Wine Down Wednesdays at the Silly Goose will feature $3 house wines and $4 sangria all night.

The video that Michael Donahue shot at Paula & Raiford’s Disco is now on the Commercial Appeal’s home page.

I may take a night off tonight… need to catch up on a freelancing project that didn’t quite get finished before I started the new job. I also need to rest up for tomorrow night, which will be the season opener for the Peabody rooftop parties. I’m finally going to get to see Lord T & Eloise perform.

Outta here for now, time to grab some lunch.