New website:

After several months off, I’m beginning to build new web storefront sites again.  My latest is


This is a store that sells mobiles, works of art that hang from a ceiling and move around as their components are pushed by air currents in the room.  Mobiles as works of art were popularized by the work of Alexander Calder in the mid-20th century.  I’ve always been fascinated with them, and have one in my apartment, the Flensted “Flowing Rhythm” mobile pictured in the logo above.  The new site also sells baby mobiles that hang from the side of a crib.

As is the case with many of my other sites including Tube Top Boutique, is a storefront for inventory carried by The reason I create storefronts like this one is that Amazon’s organization is really bad; it’s nearly impossible to find all the mobiles on Amazon in one place. I’ve tried to accomplish what Amazon didn’t with this new website.

When you order through the site, Amazon pays me between a 4% and 8.5% commission on every sale, based on the total number of sales my sites ring up per month.  I never see your name or credit card info; all I get is a notice that items were purchased.  Because Amazon handles the transactions, you’re protected by their best-on-the-Internet secure checkout system and shipping and return policies.

I hope you enjoy the new site.  I already have an idea for the next one, so it’s time to get back to work.  Hmmm… I must really enjoy building these storefronts… I’m excited enough about them to take a night off from beer.

Back tomorrow with more stuff.  I still haven’t posted about the Red Rooster’s promotion that starts next Wednesday.  If you’re a fan of extremely fine beer and of having fun, this will be one you want to hear about.