Thur update: SEC officials suspended for bad calls, Hard Rock parties, Signature Chefs Auction, more

The crew that officiated the Arkansas-Florida game last Saturday has been suspended. The SEC reviewed a personal foul that was called against Arkansas late in the fourth quarter, and the video evidence showed the call to be unwarranted. The same crew also made an unsportsmanlike conduct call a few weeks earlier in the LSU-Georgia game that the SEC deemed unwarranted after reviewing the video. Good to see the SEC doing the right thing… those late fourth quarter calls against Arkansas were pretty ridiculous. More info here.

I’ve learned of yet another party to happen Downtown on Halloween night. This one is at the Hard Rock Cafe. Live music by Marstin and the Revelators, and a costume contest. $5 cover, and the band starts at 10.

A week earlier, on Saturday the 24th, Hard Rock will have its Pinktober party with Garry Goin and G3. $5 cover, with 100% of the proceeds going to Memphis Mid-South Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Pink drink specials all night too. Doors open at 9, band at 10.

This next one isn’t a Downtown event, but it’s a good cause and several Downtown chefs are participating. The March of Dimes is hosting the Signature Chefs Auction, set for Sunday, November 15 at 5:30 p.m. at The Racquet Club of Memphis, 5111 Sanderlin Avenue. Downtown chefs/restaurateurs participating include Andreas Kisler, Felicia Willett, Jimmy Ishi, John Bragg, David Johnson/Bert Smythe, Shawn Mitchell, and Jay Uiberal. In addition to dinner, there will be a wine tasting and wine auction, along with silent and live auctions. Individual tickets are $150 per person, and table host sponsorships are $2,500. Call 901-385-8580 or email Barbara Farmer, to order tickets.

About to head out to Walgreens to buy Halloween makeup. My 2009 Halloween costume is not ready yet, so I’m going to do some kind of disco zombie thing for the party at Paula & Raiford’s Disco tonight.

Congrats to Mpact Memphis on a great annual membership meeting last night. I am so proud of the progress Mpact has made. I took detailed notes and will type up a report before I go out this evening.