Fri update: WordPress, Cockadoos, street closing, inspection station webcams, Plush Club is gone, and more

I took a rare night off last night… was dead tired following the Kooky party Wednesday, and felt like I needed to stay home and recharge.  Turned out to be a good night too.  I got on PokerStars and entered a tournament.  I busted out of one fairly early, but then I paid $4.40 to enter a 180-player tournament and made it all the way to fourth place, for a payout of almost $60.  Nice to come out ahead for an evening!  That doesn’t happen when I go to the bars.

WordPress 3.0 has arrived. WordPress is the best blogging software out there, and it’s the software I use to publish this blog. Can’t wait to try it, although it will be a little while before I get it on here – going to install it on a test site and play with it first. Here’s a link to a post on Mashable about WordPress 3.0.

Cockadoos has announced that they’re going to start opening a little earlier for breakfast on the weekends – specifically, they’re going to open at midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. So, if you’re in that area and get the breakfast munchies late at night, you can get something better than Denny’s.

Monroe Avenue will be closed between Front and Main from 7 AM to 3 PM Saturday. No idea why.  Probably due to heavy equipment being lifted to a rooftop somewhere on the street.

One of the best ideas the city ever had was to put webcams at their vehicle inspection stations.  I’d been dreading having to take my car through, and the fact that I procrastinated past mid-month sure didn’t help.  Yesterday about 9:50 AM I pulled up the cams, and saw there was NO LINE AT ALL at the Lamar station.  I told my manager I was taking a very early lunch, and cruised down there. Got the car through in under 15 minutes, so quick that I actually had time to eat lunch on my early lunch break.  Didn’t have time to do a lunchtime post though.

Great news… the Plush Club is closed for good.  The operator has to get out as part of a settlement withe building owner.  That club was nothing but a nuisance, with shootings, large fights, etc.  Hopefully Downtown will be safer on the weekends now that it is no more.

DeJaVu, the Creole restaurant on Florida just south of Crump, was reviewed in the CA today.

If you’re looking for something to do tonight, George Clinton and P-Funk at Handy Park would be my top recommendation.

Go USA!  I have to go to work so I won’t be able to watch the USA-Slovenia game, but I’ll track the score online.  I’ll also use the Virtual Vuvuzela app on my iPhone to make it feel like I’m there in South Africa.  If Lauren wears a tube top at Calhoun’s, someone send me pics.