New pool table at Saucer + tube top pics

Friday I received several texts that the Flying Saucer had a new pool table.  I took a rare night off Friday night, but I went down there yesterday, and there it was.

Check out the side, where you put your money in:

How cool is this?  It accepts dollars.  No more running to the bar to get change!  Furthermore, you can choose between three options:  Regular play ($1.25 per game), timed play (where you pay for a certain amount of time rather than per-game), or speed play (no idea).

One rather interesting feature is that you can buy multiple credits at one time, as you would on a jukebox or video game.  I wonder what this is going to do to the concept of “putting quarters up” to call next game.  That’ll be harder to do if someone has 5 credits already in the table.

I played a couple of games on it, and it is a great table!  Shiny new balls, too.  Nice and smooth and flat.  I guess we won’t get to hear our inspirational leader/father figure call out “SAUCER ROLLLLLLL……” when his shot goes off course anymore.

Meanwhile, Mary Pat fulfilled her promise to wear a traditional ’70s lime green tube top.

Later in the afternoon, Brick walked by the Saucer window.  I know there have been plenty of Brick tube top pics already, but really, can there ever be too much Brick in this blog?

(Note: I had to re-take the photo 5 times before I got one she approved of.)

I took a break from the Saucer to eat dinner at Hari’s, the new Indian place on Main that was reviewed in the CA last week.  I had the chicken curry, which I requested they make spicy, and it was really good, perfect amount of heat.  The bread that came with it was different from the naan I’ve seen in most Indian restaurants, but delicious nonetheless.

Suggestion to those who live in the Downtown core:  Walk home down Main, not Second, this weekend.  People are shooting fireworks out of their car windows on Second.

Just a reminder that about two beer-related celebrations today:  The Flying Saucer will be unveiling new beers from 2 PM to midnight tonight, and “Samual Adams” (geez) will be the Fire Sale.  Down the street, Kooky Canuck will have 99 cent Bud Light draft all day.

Definitely will be staying away from ghettofabulous Beale Street for the Handy Park fireworks celebration.  Closest I’ll get will be the Saucer.  I have inside info where there’s a safe place to view the fireworks and eat food cooked by Chef Michael Patrick, so I may do that tonight.  It’s possible I’ll wander onto Beale late in the evening for FreeWorld’s Sunday night performance at Blues City.  They start at 10:30 and play into the wee hours.

Happy Independence Day everyone!  How wonderful it is to live in a country where we have the freedom to have Tube Top Month!