Wed update 2: Memphis Vic, Majestic cocktail vote, Chilean duckmaster, SOB winter menu, Shelton sale

Weird… I’ve had very little news to post the past two weeks or so, and now today is so newsy that I had to bust out a second “update” post. Here goes:

Kind of a unique thing going on at Escape Alley Sundry Friday night from 7-9: “Memphis Vic” will spin classic vinyl from the Sun Studio era. Vic works at Sun and loves the music. Sounds like a chance to experience Memphis’ music heritage at its finest. The venue is kid-friendly and does not allow smoking. (They do have beer, though, including PBR.)

When the Chilean miners were being rescued last fall, you probably heard that one of them was a huge Elvis fan, and he entertained his fellow miners with Elvis songs. That miner, Edison Pena, will be the Peabody’s honorary Duckmaster Friday at 5. Come out and see him; maybe he’ll sing you a song!

South of Beale’s new winter menu has been posted to Marks Menus, with pics. View it here.

The Majestic Grille is inviting its customers to vote on their favorite Classic Cocktail. Cocktails include Majestic Manhattan, Strawberry Basil Martini, Berries & Cream Martini, Tangerine Drop Martini, Majestic Irish Coffee. The winning cocktail will be on sale for $5 the week of January 23-29, with the winner announced the morning of the 23rd. Vote on their Facebook page, or on Twitter at @MajesticGrille. I have a favorite but I guess I shouldn’t skew the voting by announcing it here. This is part of a 5-month-long celebration leading up to their 5th anniversary in May.

Stuff is on sale at Shelton Clothiers and Christine by Shelton Clothiers. Men’s suits and sport coats are 30-50% off, and all men’s and ladies’ fall and winter clothing is 50% off. It will still be cold outside for another of couple of months, so plenty of time to wear what you buy. (Although, as far as I’m concerned, the sooner tube top season gets here the better.)

Undecided where to watch the (21) Memphis vs. (unranked) UT game tonight… Saucer is where I’m most comfortable but I’ve heard they’re not turning on the sound… Max’s is a bit cold to walk when it’s this cold… Local will have it on the big screen but there are too many UT fans there… maybe Silly Goose… or maybe I’ll just deal with the lack of sound at the Saucer. Anyway, I have to hours to kill before the game comes on, and what better way to kill those hours than beer? Over and out.