Holy cow this is a great Foursquare special!

Sorry to ruin this post with a photo of Jersey Shore Meghan, but she used to work there and it's the only way I could think of to tie tube tops in with this post.

Last night while I was at the Saucer, a friend told me about a Foursquare special that seemed almost too good to be true: If you check in at Kooky Canuck and show the checkin to your server, they’ll give you 25% off your entree. You don’t have to be the mayor or go there a number of times to unlock it – all you have to do is show your checkin. He told me he went there and got it, and then the guy sitting next to him at the bar got it too. Today I got on Foursquare’s site and verified it. Yep, it’s true. 25% off one meal per day, up to $19.99 in value (which is nearly everything on Kooky’s menu), cannot be combined with other specials.