Thur update: Thai Bistro, beer can Wi-Fi booster, Ferraro’s, AIA convention, rooftop parties and a WordPress meetup

This morning I got out of bed at 6:48 AM. I stumbled into the living room, sat down in front of the MacBook, and looked for WeatherBug in the system tray. I have it set up to report the temperature at AutoZone Park. Even at that early hour, already 86 degrees. “There is no torture worse than Memphis heat,” I thought.

Then I thought, “Except listening to karaoke.”

Last night about 9 I was walking down Madison, and noticed people in Thai Bistro eating. I had heard it opened this week. I need to get by there and try the place. I love Thai food. It’s on Madison between Second and Third, in the spot that was previously home to Cupboard Too and about a dozen other restaurants.

(Side note: I just looked at Thai Bistro’s specials. ONE DOLLAR MIMOSAS all day Sunday!!!)

I was in the area because I was planning to stop by the Brass Door for a beer. They were already closed at 9! I can kind of understand it though; Madison is still off the beaten path, and it probably doesn’t make sense to stay open late if people won’t find it. Hopefully as Madison becomes more well-known as a food and entertainment destination, there will be more foot traffic and the Irish pub will have more reason to stay open.

News Downtowners can use: Having trouble getting a Wi-Fi signal throughout your residence or business? Learn how to make a Wi-Fi booster out of only a beer can. I guess I’m going to have to pop open a PBR this weekend and give it a try.

Eat Local Memphis has a great post on Ferraro’s today. In addition to a caprese salad and small cheese and veggie pizzas, they tried “The Great 28,” a monster 28-inch pizza.

Lots of architects will be Downtown for the next two days. The Peabody is hosting the AIA convention today and Friday.

Speaking of the Peabody, they’re providing their employees’ 250 children with back-to-school supplies bags. There will be a bag stuffing party from 2 to 4 and the kids will get more or less all the supplies they need to start the school year. That’s a nice little perk of working for the hotel.

Tonight is the second-to-last Peabody rooftop party. Inner 61 will be the featured entertainment, along with opening band Crisis. “Lunchbox Favorites” will be the buffet theme, with peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, ham & cheese sandwiches, potato chips, Fritos, and grapes. In VIP they’ll have tuna salad sandwiches, a meat and cheese platter, and BBQ potato chips and onion dip. $10 to get in, which includes first drink; ladies free until 7.

Grace Askew is on the Madison rooftop tonight. $7 to get in, tapas menu and sophisticated drinks at a cash bar. Doors open at 5:30, sunset at 8:00.

There’s a WordPress meetup tonight at 6 PM at EmergeMemphis, 516 Tennessee Street across from the Lofts. Theme tonight is “Ask Otto,” with a chance to ask Otto, one of the key members of the WordPress community (where he’s known as “Otto42”), anything at all. Good opportunity to get answers about installing and administering the product, themes, plugins, and the future direction of WordPress. Meetup details are here.

Time for a quick run to Zaxby’s. Getting bored with the Nuclear sauce; think I’m going to step up to Insane sauce today. After work, I’ll grab a beer somewhere, undecided where yet.