Fri update 2: See Memphis like a local, WordPress meetup recap, Death Cab for Cutie tix on sale

Enough news to warrant a second post before I go out for the evening.

The Convention & Visitors Bureau has published an excellent Memphis travel guide: See Memphis Like a Local. I agree with a lot of what is written in this guide. If you have friends or family planning a Memphis visit, it’s worth forwarding them this link.

I wanted to attend the WordPress meetup last night, where WordPress guru Otto42 had an “Ask Otto” Q & A session. However, I was diverted at the last minute, when a Dos Equis Lager sent me a telepathic distress call that I needed to come to the Saucer and drink it. Luckily, local social media/communications expert Beth G. Sanders posted a recap. Lots of good stuff in there for those who maintain their own WordPress installations.

Tickets to Death Cab for Cutie, at the Mud Island Ampitheater October 5, are now on sale through Ticketmaster.

Plan for tonight: I’ll start at Bardog for Panda Manda Hour, then catch a ride out to Midtown for the Slider Inn’s grand opening.