WordPress users: WordCamp not far from Memphis in January

This post is for fellow bloggers who use the WordPress content engine. Coming up in mid-January, there will be a WordCamp not far from Memphis. WordCamp Birmingham will take place January 14 and 15. According to the site, WordCamp is “informal, community-organized event where everyone from casual users to core developers can get together, share ideas, and learn. Anyone who wants to learn more about publishing online content, design, blogging, web development, or just plain using WordPress are invited to speak, attend, or volunteer!” WordCamps are held around the world, but this is the closest one to Memphis in some time. Worth a 4-hour drive if you’re a WordPress user.

You can view the list of sessions here. Looks like there will be some very interesting topics, including one on running a nonprofit website with WordPress. Themes, plugins, e-commerce, CSS, Ajax, freelancing, project teams, and a lot more will be discussed in the session too. For those who’ve heard about WordPress and are considering giving it a try, there’s also a beginner session.

Insider tip: MailChimp is a sponsor. If you go, try to get one of the really cool MailChimp knit hats.

In other news: There’s a little less cray cray in the world today. North Korean leader/wack job Kim Jong-il has passed away. Wonder if the country will give him a title similar to “Eternal President,” awarded to his father Kim il-Sung after his death.

I’ll be playing in the 7:30 poker game tonight at the Silly Goose. I like that poker game because it’s a mere half block walk from home. Not the home where I sleep, but the home with 70 taps on the wall. I’ll be at Pint Nite at the Saucer before and after poker.

One more thing before I go: Yesterday I was at the Silly Goose drinking a PBRtini. Someone brought an order of fries over from the Majestic, and look who showed up to mooch a few:

All right, time to go eat some wings and defend the Horn Lake Zaxby’s mayorship. If any more news comes in I’ll do a second post after work.